Нам дали спецификацию:
UK postcodes must be in one of the following forms (with one exception, see below):
§ A9 9AA
§ A99 9AA
§ AA9 9AA
§ AA99 9AA
§ A9A 9AA
§ AA9A 9AA
where A represents an alphabetic character and 9 represents a numeric character.
Additional rules apply to alphabetic characters, as follows:
§ The character in position 1 may not be Q, V or X
§ The character in position 2 may not be I, J or Z
§ The character in position 3 may not be I, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, V, X, Y or Z
§ The character in position 4 may not be C, D, F, G, I, J, K, L, O, Q, S, T, U or Z
§ The characters in the rightmost two positions may not be C, I, K, M, O or V
The one exception that does not follow these general rules is the postcode "GIR 0AA", which is a special valid postcode.
Мы придумали это:
Но обратите внимание - это позволяет любое количество пробелов между группами.