Отображается на CoffeeScript, если кому-то интересно. ** редактировать -> извините, используя магистраль тоже, но вы поняли идею.
Немного изменен, чтобы принимать маяк с атрибутами
{широта: item.lat, долгота: item.lng, дата: новая
Дата (item.effective_at), точность: item.gps_accuracy}
# mapped from /1145855/gladkie-dannye-gps
class v.Map.BeaconFilter
constructor: ->
_.extend(this, Backbone.Events)
process: (decay,beacon) ->
accuracy = Math.max beacon.accuracy, MIN_ACCURACY
unless @variance?
# if variance nil, inititalise some values
@variance = accuracy * accuracy
@timestamp_ms = beacon.date.getTime();
@lat = beacon.latitude
@lng = beacon.longitude
@timestamp_ms = beacon.date.getTime() - @timestamp_ms
if @timestamp_ms > 0
# time has moved on, so the uncertainty in the current position increases
@variance += @timestamp_ms * decay * decay / 1000;
@timestamp_ms = beacon.date.getTime();
# Kalman gain matrix K = Covarariance * Inverse(Covariance + MeasurementVariance)
# NB: because K is dimensionless, it doesn't matter that variance has different units to lat and lng
_k = @variance / (@variance + accuracy * accuracy)
@lat = _k * (beacon.latitude - @lat)
@lng = _k * (beacon.longitude - @lng)
@variance = (1 - _k) * @variance