Если вы ищете вспомогательную функцию, которая будет анализировать практически любой XML, рассмотрите следующее.
Результаты, вероятно, более чем необходимы, но их легко уменьшить.Я часто буду использовать это на этапе обнаружения.
Declare @XML xml ='
<document synfileid="MCIESS0044">
<title>Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center</title>
<para>A clone is an identical copy of a plant or animal, produced from the genetic material of a single organism. In 1996 scientists in Britain created a sheep named Dolly, the first successful clone of an adult mammal. Since then, scientists have successfully cloned other animals, such as goats, mice, pigs, and rabbits. People began wondering if human beings would be next. The question of whether human cloning should be allowed, and under what conditions, raises a number of challenging scientific, legal, and ethical issues—including what it means to be human.</para>
<head n="1">Scientific Background</head>
<para>People have been cloning plants for thousands of years. Some plants produce offspring without any genetic material from another organism. In these cases, cloning simply requires cutting pieces of the stems, roots, or leaves of the plants and then planting the cuttings. The cuttings will grow into identical copies of the originals. Many common fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants are produced in this way from parent plants with especially desirable characteristics.</para>
<para>[lots of excluded text] Perhaps the most perplexing question of all: How would clones feel about their status? As a copy, would they lack the sense of uniqueness that is part of the human condition? As yet, such questions have no answers—perhaps they never will. The debate about cloning, both animal and human, however, will certainly continue. The technology exists to create clones. How will society use this technology?</para>
Select *
From [dbo].[tvf-XML-Hier](@XML)
Order By R1

TVF, если интересно
Полное раскрытие: исходный источник был http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/28/posts/10495/xquery-lab-58-select-from-xml.aspx ... простосделал несколько твиков
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvf-XML-Hier](@XML xml)
Returns Table
As Return
with cte0 as (
Select Lvl = 1
,ID = Cast(1 as int)
,Pt = Cast(NULL as int)
,Element = x.value('local-name(.)','varchar(150)')
,Attribute = cast('' as varchar(150))
,Value = x.value('text()[1]','varchar(max)')
,XPath = cast(concat(x.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)'),'[' ,cast(Row_Number() Over(Order By (Select 1)) as int),']') as varchar(max))
,Seq = cast(1000000+Row_Number() over(Order By (Select 1)) as varchar(max))
,AttData = x.query('.')
,XMLData = x.query('*')
From @XML.nodes('/*') a(x)
Union All
Select Lvl = p.Lvl + 1
,ID = Cast( (Lvl + 1) * 1024 + (Row_Number() Over(Order By (Select 1)) * 2) as int ) * 10
,Pt = p.ID
,Element = c.value('local-name(.)','varchar(150)')
,Attribute = cast('' as varchar(150))
,Value = cast( c.value('text()[1]','varchar(max)') as varchar(max) )
,XPath = cast(concat(p.XPath,'/',c.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)'),'[',cast(Row_Number() Over(PARTITION BY c.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)') Order By (Select 1)) as int),']') as varchar(max) )
,Seq = cast(concat(p.Seq,' ',10000000+Cast( (Lvl + 1) * 1024 + (Row_Number() Over(Order By (Select 1)) * 2) as int ) * 10) as varchar(max))
,AttData = c.query('.')
,XMLData = c.query('*')
From cte0 p
Cross Apply p.XMLData.nodes('*') b(c)
, cte1 as (
Select R1 = Row_Number() over (Order By Seq),A.*
From (
Select Lvl,ID,Pt,Element,Attribute,Value,XPath,Seq From cte0
Union All
Select Lvl = p.Lvl+1
,ID = p.ID + Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL))
,Pt = p.ID
,Element = p.Element
,Attribute = x.value('local-name(.)','varchar(150)')
,Value = x.value('.','varchar(max)')
,XPath = p.XPath + '/@' + x.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)')
,Seq = cast(concat(p.Seq,' ',10000000+p.ID + Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)) ) as varchar(max))
From cte0 p
Cross Apply AttData.nodes('/*/@*') a(x)
) A
Select A.R1
,R2 = IsNull((Select max(R1) From cte1 Where Seq Like A.Seq+'%'),A.R1)
,Title = Replicate('|---',Lvl-1)+Element+IIF(Attribute='','','@'+Attribute)
From cte1 A
Source: http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/28/posts/10495/xquery-lab-58-select-from-xml.aspx
Declare @XML xml='<person><firstname preferred="Annie" nickname="BeBe">Annabelle</firstname><lastname>Smith</lastname></person>'
Select * from [dbo].[tvf-XML-Hier](@XML) Order by R1