Я пытался добиться того же в Powershell и написал скрипт для выполнения различных функций, которые можно выбирать в интерактивном режиме. Конечно, довольно легко изменить скрипт, чтобы автоматизировать определенные вещи вместо предоставления опций.
Я парень по инфраструктуре, а не программист / программист, поэтому извиняюсь, если это немного громоздко (но это работает !!).
Сохранить следующее как PS1:
# NAME: RegisterFireFoxCertificates.ps1
# AUTHOR: Andy Pyne
# DATE : 22.07.2015
# COMMENT: To provide options for listing, adding, deleting and purging
# FireFox Certificates using Mozilla's NSS Util CertUtil
# Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/tools/NSS_Tools_certutil
# NOTE: You need a copy of the NSS Util CertUtil and it's associated dll's
# The specific files I used were:
# certutil.exe, fort32.dll, freebl3.dll, libnspr4.dll, libplc4.dll, libplds4.dll, nspr4.dll,
# nss3.dll, nssckbi.dll, nssdbm3.dll, nssutil3.dll, plc4.dll, plds4.dll, smime3.dll,
# softokn3.dll, sqlite3.dll, ssl3.dll, swft32.dll
# Setup a few parameters
$ErrorActionPreference = "Silentlycontinue"
$ExecutionPolicyOriginal = Get-ExecutionPolicy
$FireFoxExecutable = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe"
# This is the Firefox certificate database
$CertDB = "Cert8.db"
# The Certificate Nickname is a name you want to see on the certificates that you've imported in - so you know they were imported by this process
# However, when you look at the certificates in Firefox, they will be listed under whatever the certificate name was when it was generated
# So if your certificate is listed as 'Company123' when imported, it will still be called that as the Common Name, but when you click to view
# it, you will see that the first item in the Certificate Fields is what you 'nicknamed' it.
$CertificateNickname = "MyCompanyName FF AutoImport Cert"
# The Legacy Certificates are specific/explicit certificates which you wish to delete (The 'purge' option later in the script references these items)
$LegacyCertificates = @("OldCertificate1", "Company Cert XYZ", "Previous Company name", "Unwanted Certificate - 7", "123APTEST123")
# This is the list of databases / Firefox profiles on the machine
$FFDBList = @()
# Making sure our temporary directory is empty
$FFCertLocationLocal = "C:\FFCertTemp"
# The remote location of the certificates and
$FFCertLocationRemote = "\\myUNC\NETLOGON\FireFoxCert\"
# The local CertUtil executable (this is copied from the remote location above)
$FFCertTool = "$FFCertLocationLocal\CertUtil.exe"
# Making sure our temporary directory is empty
Remove-Item $FFCertLocationLocal -Recurse
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $FFCertLocationLocal
# We're going to get a list of the Firefox processes on the machine that are open and close them
# Otherwise the add/delete parts might not be successful with Firefox still running
$FireFoxRunningProcessesList = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -Match "FireFox"} | Select-Object ProcessName,Id | Format-Table -AutoSize
$FireFoxRunningProcesses = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -Match "FireFox"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
If (!$FireFoxRunningProcesses) {}
Else {
Write-Host "The following processes will be stopped to perform certificate manipulation:"
$TerminateProcessQuestion = Read-Host "To auto-terminate (ungracefully!) processes, press 'Y', otherwise, press any other key"
If ($TerminateProcessQuestion -ne 'y') {
Write-Host "Cannot continue as Firefox process is still running, ending script ..."
Else {ForEach ($FireFoxRunningProcess in $FireFoxRunningProcesses) {
[Int]$FireFoxRunningProcess = [Convert]::ToInt32($FireFoxRunningProcess, 10)
Stop-Process -Id $FireFoxRunningProcess -Force}}
# The remote files (certificates and the NSS Tools CertUtil files are copied locally)
$FFCertificateListItemRemote = Get-ChildItem $FFCertLocationRemote -Recurse -Include *.cer,*.dll,certutil.exe
ForEach ($FFCertificateItemRemote in $FFCertificateListItemRemote) {
Copy-Item $FFCertificateItemRemote.FullName -Destination $FFCertLocationLocal}
# Get a list of the local certificates
$FFCertificateListLocal = Get-ChildItem $FFCertLocationLocal -Recurse -filter *.cer
Set-ExecutionPolicy "Unrestricted"
# Find all Firefox profiles and create an array called FFDBList
# Of course, you'll only be able to get to the ones your permissions allow
$LocalProfiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
ForEach ($LocalProfile in $LocalProfiles) {
$FFProfile = Get-ChildItem "$LocalProfile\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
If (!$FFProfile) {Write-Host "There is no Firefox Profile for $LocalProfile"}
ELSE {$FFDBList += $FFProfile}
Write-Host "#################################"
Write-Host "The List of FireFox Profiles is:"
Write-Host "#################################"
# Setup 4x functions (List, Delete, Add and Purge)
# - List will simply list certificates from the Firefox profiles
# - Delete will delete the certificates the same as the certificates you're going to add back in
# So for example, if you have 2x certificates copied earlier for import, 'CompanyA' and 'CompanyZ'
# then you can delete certificates with these names beforehand. This will prevent the
# certificates you want to import being skipped/duplicated because they already exist
# - Add will simply add the list of certificates you've copied locally
# - Purge will allow you to delete 'other' certificates that you've manually listed in the
# variable '$LegacyCertificates' at the top of the script
# Each of the functions perform the same 4x basic steps
# 1) Do the following 3x things for each of the Firefox profiles
# 2) Do the 2x following things for each of the certificates
# 3) Generate an expression using parameters based on the certificate nickname specified
# earlier, and the profile and certificate informaiton
# 4) Invoke the expression
Function ListCertificates {
Write-Host "#############################"
ForEach ($FFDBItem in $FFDBList) {
$FFCertificateListItemFull = $FFCertificateListItem.FullName
Write-Host "Listing Certificates for $FFDBitem"
$ExpressionToListCerts = "$FFCertTool -L -d `"$FFDBItem`""
Invoke-Expression $ExpressionToListCerts
Function DeleteOldCertificates {
Write-Host "#############################"
ForEach ($FFDBItem in $FFDBList) {
ForEach ($FFCertificateListItem in $FFCertificateListLocal) {
$FFCertificateListItemFull = $FFCertificateListItem.FullName
Write-Host "Deleting Cert $FFCertificateListItem for $FFDBitem"
$ExpressionToDeleteCerts = "$FFCertTool -D -n `"$CertificateNickname`" -d `"$FFDBItem`""
Invoke-Expression $ExpressionToDeleteCerts
Function AddCertificates {
Write-Host "#############################"
ForEach ($FFDBItem in $FFDBList) {
ForEach ($FFCertificateListItem in $FFCertificateListLocal) {
$FFCertificateListItemFull = $FFCertificateListItem.FullName
Write-Host "Adding $FFCertificateListItem Cert for $FFDBitem"
$ExpressionToAddCerts = "$FFCertTool -A -n `"$CertificateNickname`" -t `"CT,C,C`" -d `"$FFDBItem`" -i `"$FFCertificateListItemFull`""
Write-Host $ExpressionToAddCerts
Invoke-Expression $ExpressionToAddCerts
Function PurgeLegacyCertificates {
Write-Host "#############################"
ForEach ($FFDBItem in $FFDBList) {
ForEach ($LegacyCertificateItem in $LegacyCertificates) {
$LegacyCertificateItemFull = $LegacyCertificateItem.FullName
Write-Host "Purging Old Certs ($LegacyCertificateItem) for $FFDBitem"
#$ExpressionToDeleteLegacyCerts = "$FFCertTool -D -n `"$OldCertificate`" -d `"$FFDBItem`""
$ExpressionToDeleteLegacyCerts = "$FFCertTool -D -n `"$LegacyCertificateItem`" -d `"$FFDBItem`""
ForEach ($LegacyCertificate in $LegacyCertificates) {
Invoke-Expression $ExpressionToDeleteLegacyCerts}
# Creating a few options to invoke the various functions created above
$CertificateAction = ""
Function CertificateActionSelection {
Do {
$CertificateAction = Read-Host "Would you like to [L]ist all certificates [D]elete all old certificates, [A]dd new certificates, or [P]urge legacy certificates?"
} Until ($CertificateAction -eq "L" -or $CertificateAction -eq "D" -or $CertificateAction -eq "A" -or $CertificateAction -eq "P" )
If ($CertificateAction -eq "L") {ListCertificates}
If ($CertificateAction -eq "D") {DeleteOldCertificates}
If ($CertificateAction -eq "A") {AddCertificates}
If ($CertificateAction -eq "P") {PurgeLegacyCertificates}
Do {
$MoreCertificateActions = Read-Host "Would you like to [L]aunch Firefox (as $env:USERNAME), take a [C]ertificate action, or [Q]uit?"
If ($MoreCertificateActions -eq "L") {
Invoke-Item $FireFoxExecutable
If ($MoreCertificateActions -eq "C") {CertificateActionSelection}
} Until ($MoreCertificateActions -eq "Q")
Remove-Item $FFCertLocationLocal -Recurse
Set-ExecutionPolicy $ExecutionPolicyOriginal