Я потратил много времени на использование класса SerialPort и решил использовать вместо него класс SerialPort.BaseStream . Вы можете увидеть исходный код: SerialPort-source и
SerialPort.BaseStream-source для глубокого понимания.
Я создал и использую код, который показан ниже.
public class Uart : SerialPort
private int _receiveTimeout;
public int ReceiveTimeout { get => _receiveTimeout; set => _receiveTimeout = value; }
static private string ComPortName = "";
/// <summary>
/// It builds PortName using ComPortNum parameter and opens SerialPort.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ComPortNum"></param>
public Uart(int ComPortNum) : base()
base.BaudRate = 115200; // default value
_receiveTimeout = 2000;
ComPortName = "COM" + ComPortNum;
base.PortName = ComPortName;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: Port {0} is in use", ComPortName);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Uart exception: " + ex);
} //Uart()
/// <summary>
/// Private property returning positive only Environment.TickCount
/// </summary>
private int _tickCount { get => Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue; }
/// <summary>
/// It uses SerialPort.BaseStream rather SerialPort functionality .
/// It Receives up to maxLen number bytes of data,
/// Or throws TimeoutException if no any data arrived during ReceiveTimeout.
/// It works likes socket-recv routine (explanation in body).
/// Returns:
/// totalReceived - bytes,
/// TimeoutException,
/// -1 in non-ComPortNum Exception
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer"></param>
/// <param name="maxLen"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int Recv(byte[] buffer, int maxLen)
/// The routine works in "pseudo-blocking" mode. It cycles up to first
/// data received using BaseStream.ReadTimeout = TimeOutSpan (2 ms).
/// If no any message received during ReceiveTimeout property,
/// the routine throws TimeoutException
/// In other hand, if any data has received, first no-data cycle
/// causes to exit from routine.
int TimeOutSpan = 2;
// counts delay in TimeOutSpan-s after end of data to break receive
int EndOfDataCnt;
// pseudo-blocking timeout counter
int TimeOutCnt = _tickCount + _receiveTimeout;
//number of currently received data bytes
int justReceived = 0;
//number of total received data bytes
int totalReceived = 0;
BaseStream.ReadTimeout = TimeOutSpan;
//causes (2+1)*TimeOutSpan delay after end of data in UART stream
EndOfDataCnt = 2;
while (_tickCount < TimeOutCnt && EndOfDataCnt > 0)
justReceived = 0;
justReceived = base.BaseStream.Read(buffer, totalReceived, maxLen - totalReceived);
totalReceived += justReceived;
if (totalReceived >= maxLen)
catch (TimeoutException)
if (totalReceived > 0)
catch (Exception ex)
totalReceived = -1;
Console.WriteLine("Recv exception: " + ex);
} //while
if (totalReceived == 0)
throw new TimeoutException();
return totalReceived;
} // Recv()
} // Uart