Мое решение с использованием Java 8 lambdas:
public static <T extends Throwable> T assertThrows(Class<T> expected, ThrowingRunnable action) throws Throwable {
try {
Assert.fail("Did not throw expected " + expected.getSimpleName());
return null; // never actually
} catch (Throwable actual) {
if (!expected.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) { // runtime '!(actual instanceof expected)'
System.err.println("Threw " + actual.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ", which is not a subtype of expected "
+ expected.getSimpleName());
throw actual; // throw the unexpected Throwable for maximum transparency
} else {
return (T) actual; // return the expected Throwable for further examination
Вы должны определить FunctionalInterface, потому что Runnable
не объявляет требуемый throws
public interface ThrowingRunnable {
void run() throws Throwable;
Метод может быть использован следующим образом:
class CustomException extends Exception {
public final String message;
public CustomException(final String message) { this.message = message;}
CustomException e = assertThrows(CustomException.class, () -> {
throw new CustomException("Lorem Ipsum");
assertEquals("Lorem Ipsum", e.message);