Я думаю, что реализация ниже заполняет счет довольно изящно.
'''singly linked lists, by Yingjie Lan, December 1st, 2011'''
class linkst:
'''Singly linked list, with pythonic features.
The list has pointers to both the first and the last node.'''
__slots__ = ['data', 'next'] #memory efficient
def __init__(self, iterable=(), data=None, next=None):
'''Provide an iterable to make a singly linked list.
Set iterable to None to make a data node for internal use.'''
if iterable is not None:
self.data, self.next = self, None
else: #a common node
self.data, self.next = data, next
def empty(self):
'''test if the list is empty'''
return self.next is None
def append(self, data):
'''append to the end of list.'''
last = self.data
self.data = last.next = linkst(None, data)
#self.data = last.next
def insert(self, data, index=0):
'''insert data before index.
Raise IndexError if index is out of range'''
curr, cat = self, 0
while cat < index and curr:
curr, cat = curr.next, cat+1
if index<0 or not curr:
raise IndexError(index)
new = linkst(None, data, curr.next)
if curr.next is None: self.data = new
curr.next = new
def reverse(self):
'''reverse the order of list in place'''
current, prev = self.next, None
while current: #what if list is empty?
next = current.next
current.next = prev
prev, current = current, next
if self.next: self.data = self.next
self.next = prev
def delete(self, index=0):
'''remvoe the item at index from the list'''
curr, cat = self, 0
while cat < index and curr.next:
curr, cat = curr.next, cat+1
if index<0 or not curr.next:
raise IndexError(index)
curr.next = curr.next.next
if curr.next is None: #tail
self.data = curr #current == self?
def remove(self, data):
'''remove first occurrence of data.
Raises ValueError if the data is not present.'''
current = self
while current.next: #node to be examined
if data == current.next.data: break
current = current.next #move on
else: raise ValueError(data)
current.next = current.next.next
if current.next is None: #tail
self.data = current #current == self?
def __contains__(self, data):
'''membership test using keyword 'in'.'''
current = self.next
while current:
if data == current.data:
return True
current = current.next
return False
def __iter__(self):
'''iterate through list by for-statements.
return an iterator that must define the __next__ method.'''
itr = linkst()
itr.next = self.next
return itr #invariance: itr.data == itr
def __next__(self):
'''the for-statement depends on this method
to provide items one by one in the list.
return the next data, and move on.'''
#the invariance is checked so that a linked list
#will not be mistakenly iterated over
if self.data is not self or self.next is None:
raise StopIteration()
next = self.next
self.next = next.next
return next.data
def __repr__(self):
'''string representation of the list'''
return 'linkst(%r)'%list(self)
def __str__(self):
'''converting the list to a string'''
return '->'.join(str(i) for i in self)
#note: this is NOT the class lab! see file linked.py.
def extend(self, iterable):
'''takes an iterable, and append all items in the iterable
to the end of the list self.'''
last = self.data
for i in iterable:
last.next = linkst(None, i)
last = last.next
self.data = last
def index(self, data):
'''TODO: return first index of data in the list self.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.'''
#must not convert self to a tuple or any other containers
current, idx = self.next, 0
while current:
if current.data == data: return idx
current, idx = current.next, idx+1
raise ValueError(data)