Хотя это определенно не оптимальное решение проблемы, это еще одно потенциальное решение, которое, как мне показалось, некоторым может показаться интересным:
* Treat the bst as a sorted list in descending order and find the element
* in position k.
* Time complexity BigO ( n^2 )
* 2n + sum( 1 * n/2 + 2 * n/4 + ... ( 2^n-1) * n/n ) =
* 2n + sigma a=1 to n ( (2^(a-1)) * n / 2^a ) = 2n + n(n-1)/4
* @param t The root of the binary search tree.
* @param k The position of the element to find.
* @return The value of the element at position k.
public static int kElement2( Node t, int k ) {
int treeSize = sizeOfTree( t );
return kElement2( t, k, treeSize, 0 ).intValue();
* Find the value at position k in the bst by doing an in-order traversal
* of the tree and mapping the ascending order index to the descending order
* index.
* @param t Root of the bst to search in.
* @param k Index of the element being searched for.
* @param treeSize Size of the entire bst.
* @param count The number of node already visited.
* @return Either the value of the kth node, or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY if
* not found in this sub-tree.
private static Double kElement2( Node t, int k, int treeSize, int count ) {
// Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is a marker value indicating that the kth
// element wasn't found in this sub-tree.
if ( t == null )
Double kea = kElement2( t.getLeftSon(), k, treeSize, count );
if ( kea != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY )
return kea;
// The index of the current node.
count += 1 + sizeOfTree( t.getLeftSon() );
// Given any index from the ascending in order traversal of the bst,
// treeSize + 1 - index gives the
// corresponding index in the descending order list.
if ( ( treeSize + 1 - count ) == k )
return (double)t.getNumber();
return kElement2( t.getRightSon(), k, treeSize, count );