Я не новичок в Rails или Rspec, но я новичок в создании драгоценных камней. Когда я тестирую свои контроллеры, методы REST "get", "post", "put", "delete" выдают мне неопределенную ошибку метода.
Ниже вы найдете код, но если вы предпочитаете видеть его в виде картинки, нажмите здесь .
Вот мой spec_helper:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support' unless defined? ActiveSupport # Need this so that mattr_accessor will work in Subscriber module
require 'active_record/acts/subscribable'
require 'active_record/acts/subscriber'
require 'action_view'
require 'action_controller' # Since we'll be testing subscriptions controller
#require 'action_controller/test_process'
require 'spec'
require 'spec/autorun'
# Need active_support to user mattr_accessor in Subscriber module, and to set the following inflection
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.irregular 'dorkus', 'dorkuses'
require 'active_record' # Since we'll be testing a User model which will be available in the app
# Tell active record to load the subscribable files
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::Subscribable)
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::Subscriber)
require 'app/models/user' # The user model we expect in the application
require 'app/models/person'
require 'app/models/subscription'
require 'app/models/dorkus'
require 'app/controllers/subscriptions_controller' # The controller we're testing
#... more but I think irrelevant
Мои подписки_spec:
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
describe SubscriptionsController, "on GET index" do
describe ", when only subscribable params are passed" do
it "should list all the subscriptions of the subscribable object"
describe ", when only subscriber params are passed" do
it "should list all the subscriptions of the subscriber" do
u = User.create
d1 = Dorkus.create
d2 = Dorkus.create
d1.subscribe! u
d2.subscribe! u
get :index, {:subscriber_type => "User", :subscriber_id => u.id}
assigns[:subscriptions].should == u.subscriptions
Контроллер моих подписок:
class SubscriptionsController < ActionController::Base
def index
NoMethodError in 'SubscriptionsController on GET index , when only subscriber params are passed should list all the subscriptions of the subscriber'
undefined method `get' for #