Я видел много примеров, где не выполнялась настоящая работа + они были в основном связаны с процессором. Вот пример задачи с привязкой к процессору, которая вычисляет все простые числа от 10 миллионов до 10,05 миллионов. Я использовал все 4 метода здесь
import math
import timeit
import threading
import multiprocessing
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
def time_stuff(fn):
Measure time of execution of a function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t0 = timeit.default_timer()
fn(*args, **kwargs)
t1 = timeit.default_timer()
print("{} seconds".format(t1 - t0))
return wrapper
def find_primes_in(nmin, nmax):
Compute a list of prime numbers between the given minimum and maximum arguments
primes = []
#Loop from minimum to maximum
for current in range(nmin, nmax + 1):
#Take the square root of the current number
sqrt_n = int(math.sqrt(current))
found = False
#Check if the any number from 2 to the square root + 1 divides the current numnber under consideration
for number in range(2, sqrt_n + 1):
#If divisible we have found a factor, hence this is not a prime number, lets move to the next one
if current % number == 0:
found = True
#If not divisible, add this number to the list of primes that we have found so far
if not found:
#I am merely printing the length of the array containing all the primes but feel free to do what you want
def sequential_prime_finder(nmin, nmax):
Use the main process and main thread to compute everything in this case
find_primes_in(nmin, nmax)
def threading_prime_finder(nmin, nmax):
If the minimum is 1000 and the maximum is 2000 and we have 4 workers
1000 - 1250 to worker 1
1250 - 1500 to worker 2
1500 - 1750 to worker 3
1750 - 2000 to worker 4
so lets split the min and max values according to the number of workers
nrange = nmax - nmin
threads = []
for i in range(8):
start = int(nmin + i * nrange/8)
end = int(nmin + (i + 1) * nrange/8)
#Start the thrread with the min and max split up to compute
#Parallel computation will not work here due to GIL since this is a CPU bound task
t = threading.Thread(target = find_primes_in, args = (start, end))
#Dont forget to wait for the threads to finish
for t in threads:
def processing_prime_finder(nmin, nmax):
Split the min, max interval similar to the threading method above but use processes this time
nrange = nmax - nmin
processes = []
for i in range(8):
start = int(nmin + i * nrange/8)
end = int(nmin + (i + 1) * nrange/8)
p = multiprocessing.Process(target = find_primes_in, args = (start, end))
for p in processes:
def thread_executor_prime_finder(nmin, nmax):
Split the min max interval similar to the threading method but use thread pool executor this time
This method is slightly faster than using pure threading as the pools manage threads more efficiently
This method is still slow due to the GIL limitations since we are doing a CPU bound task
nrange = nmax - nmin
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 8) as e:
for i in range(8):
start = int(nmin + i * nrange/8)
end = int(nmin + (i + 1) * nrange/8)
e.submit(find_primes_in, start, end)
def process_executor_prime_finder(nmin, nmax):
Split the min max interval similar to the threading method but use the process pool executor
This is the fastest method recorded so far as it manages process efficiently + overcomes GIL limitations
nrange = nmax - nmin
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers = 8) as e:
for i in range(8):
start = int(nmin + i * nrange/8)
end = int(nmin + (i + 1) * nrange/8)
e.submit(find_primes_in, start, end)
def main():
nmin = int(1e7)
nmax = int(1.05e7)
print("Sequential Prime Finder Starting")
sequential_prime_finder(nmin, nmax)
print("Threading Prime Finder Starting")
threading_prime_finder(nmin, nmax)
print("Processing Prime Finder Starting")
processing_prime_finder(nmin, nmax)
print("Thread Executor Prime Finder Starting")
thread_executor_prime_finder(nmin, nmax)
print("Process Executor Finder Starting")
process_executor_prime_finder(nmin, nmax)
Вот результаты на моем компьютере с Mac OSX 4
Sequential Prime Finder Starting
9.708213827005238 seconds
Threading Prime Finder Starting
9.81836523200036 seconds
Processing Prime Finder Starting
3.2467174359990167 seconds
Thread Executor Prime Finder Starting
10.228896902000997 seconds
Process Executor Finder Starting
2.656402041000547 seconds