Это работает
- Он получен из SingleThreadExecutor, но вы можете легко его адаптировать
- код Java 8 lamdas, но легко исправить
Это создаст Исполнителя с одним потоком, который может получить много задач; и будет ожидать окончания текущего выполнения, чтобы начать со следующего
В случае ошибки или исключения uncaugth uncaughtExceptionHandler перехватит его
public final class SingleThreadExecutorWithExceptions {
public static ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutorWithExceptions(final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler) {
ThreadFactory factory = (Runnable runnable) -> {
final Thread newThread = new Thread(runnable, "SingleThreadExecutorWithExceptions");
newThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler( (final Thread caugthThread,final Throwable throwable) -> {
uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(caugthThread, throwable);
return newThread;
return new FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService
(new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1,
new LinkedBlockingQueue(),
protected void afterExecute(Runnable runnable, Throwable throwable) {
super.afterExecute(runnable, throwable);
if (throwable == null && runnable instanceof Future) {
try {
Future future = (Future) runnable;
if (future.isDone()) {
} catch (CancellationException ce) {
throwable = ce;
} catch (ExecutionException ee) {
throwable = ee.getCause();
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // ignore/reset
if (throwable != null) {
private static class FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService
extends DelegatedExecutorService {
FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService(ExecutorService executor) {
protected void finalize() {
* A wrapper class that exposes only the ExecutorService methods
* of an ExecutorService implementation.
private static class DelegatedExecutorService extends AbstractExecutorService {
private final ExecutorService e;
DelegatedExecutorService(ExecutorService executor) { e = executor; }
public void execute(Runnable command) { e.execute(command); }
public void shutdown() { e.shutdown(); }
public List shutdownNow() { return e.shutdownNow(); }
public boolean isShutdown() { return e.isShutdown(); }
public boolean isTerminated() { return e.isTerminated(); }
public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException {
return e.awaitTermination(timeout, unit);
public Future submit(Runnable task) {
return e.submit(task);
public Future submit(Callable task) {
return e.submit(task);
public Future submit(Runnable task, T result) {
return e.submit(task, result);
public List> invokeAll(Collection> tasks)
throws InterruptedException {
return e.invokeAll(tasks);
public List> invokeAll(Collection> tasks,
long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException {
return e.invokeAll(tasks, timeout, unit);
public T invokeAny(Collection> tasks)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
return e.invokeAny(tasks);
public T invokeAny(Collection> tasks,
long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
return e.invokeAny(tasks, timeout, unit);
private SingleThreadExecutorWithExceptions() {}