С по этой ссылке :
def prnDict(aDict, br='\n', html=0,
keyAlign='l', sortKey=0,
keyPrefix='', keySuffix='',
valuePrefix='', valueSuffix='',
leftMargin=0, indent=1 ):
return a string representive of aDict in the following format:
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
Spaces will be added to the keys to make them have same width.
sortKey: set to 1 if want keys sorted;
keyAlign: either 'l' or 'r', for left, right align, respectively.
keyPrefix, keySuffix, valuePrefix, valueSuffix: The prefix and
suffix to wrap the keys or values. Good for formatting them
for html document(for example, keyPrefix='<b>', keySuffix='</b>').
Note: The keys will be padded with spaces to have them
equally-wide. The pre- and suffix will be added OUTSIDE
the entire width.
html: if set to 1, all spaces will be replaced with ' ', and
the entire output will be wrapped with '<code>' and '</code>'.
br: determine the carriage return. If html, it is suggested to set
br to '<br>'. If you want the html source code eazy to read,
set br to '<br>\n'
version: 04b52
author : Runsun Pan
require: odict() # an ordered dict, if you want the keys sorted.
Dave Benjamin
if aDict:
#------------------------------ sort key
if sortKey:
dic = aDict.copy()
keys = dic.keys()
aDict = odict()
for k in keys:
aDict[k] = dic[k]
#------------------- wrap keys with ' ' (quotes) if str
tmp = ['{']
ks = [type(x)==str and "'%s'"%x or x for x in aDict.keys()]
#------------------- wrap values with ' ' (quotes) if str
vs = [type(x)==str and "'%s'"%x or x for x in aDict.values()]
maxKeyLen = max([len(str(x)) for x in ks])
for i in range(len(ks)):
#-------------------------- Adjust key width
k = {1 : str(ks[i]).ljust(maxKeyLen),
keyAlign=='r': str(ks[i]).rjust(maxKeyLen) }[1]
v = vs[i]
tmp.append(' '* indent+ '%s%s%s:%s%s%s,' %(
keyPrefix, k, keySuffix,
tmp[-1] = tmp[-1][:-1] # remove the ',' in the last item
if leftMargin:
tmp = [ ' '*leftMargin + x for x in tmp ]
if html:
return '<code>%s</code>' %br.join(tmp).replace(' ',' ')
return br.join(tmp)
return '{}'
>>> a={'C': 2, 'B': 1, 'E': 4, (3, 5): 0}
>>> print prnDict(a)
'C' :2,
'B' :1,
'E' :4,
(3, 5):0
>>> print prnDict(a, sortKey=1)
'B' :1,
'C' :2,
'E' :4,
(3, 5):0
>>> print prnDict(a, keyPrefix="<b>", keySuffix="</b>")
<b>'C' </b>:2,
<b>'B' </b>:1,
<b>'E' </b>:4,
<b>(3, 5)</b>:0
>>> print prnDict(a, html=1)
'C' :2,
'B' :1,
'E' :4,
(3, 5):0
>>> b={'car': [6, 6, 12], 'about': [15, 9, 6], 'bookKeeper': [9, 9, 15]}
>>> print prnDict(b, sortKey=1)
'about' :[15, 9, 6],
'bookKeeper':[9, 9, 15],
'car' :[6, 6, 12]
>>> print prnDict(b, keyAlign="r")
'car':[6, 6, 12],
'about':[15, 9, 6],
'bookKeeper':[9, 9, 15]