Вот еще один довольно сложный пример, основанный на предложениях в этом обсуждении.Код также можно увидеть здесь: lib / btr.php
* A class that is used to autoload library functions.
* If the function btr::some_function_name() is called, this class
* will convert it into a call to the function
* 'BTranslator\some_function_name()'. If such a function is not
* declared then it will try to load these files (in this order):
* - fn/some_function_name.php
* - fn/some_function.php
* - fn/some.php
* - fn/some/function_name.php
* - fn/some/function.php
* - fn/some/function/name.php
* The first file that is found will be loaded (with require_once()).
* For the big functions it makes more sense to declare each one of them in a
* separate file, and for the small functions it makes more sense to declare
* several of them in the same file (which is named as the common prefix of
* these files). If there is a big number of functions, it can be more
* suitable to organize them in subdirectories.
* See: /2964800/avtozagruzchik-dlya-funktsii
class btr {
* Make it TRUE to output debug info on '/tmp/btr.log'.
const DEBUG = FALSE;
* The namespace of the functions.
const NS = 'BTranslator';
* Relative directory where the functions are located.
const FN = 'fn';
private function __construct() {}
private function __wakeup() {}
private function __clone() {}
* Return the full name (with namespace) of the function to be called.
protected static function function_name($function) {
return self::NS . '\\' . $function;
* Return the full path of the file to be loaded (with require_once).
protected static function file($fname) {
return dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . self::FN . '/' . $fname . '.php';
* If a function does not exist, try to load it from the proper file.
public static function __callStatic($function, $args) {
$btr_function = self::function_name($function);
if (!function_exists($btr_function)) {
// Try to load the file that contains the function.
if (!self::load_search_dirs($function) or !function_exists($btr_function)) {
$dir = dirname(self::file($fname));
$dir = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT, '', $dir);
throw new Exception("Function $btr_function could not be found on $dir");
return call_user_func_array($btr_function, $args);
* Try to load files from subdirectories
* (by replacing '_' with '/' in the function name).
protected static function load_search_dirs($fname) {
do {
if (file_exists(self::file($fname))) {
return TRUE;
if (self::load_search_files($fname)) {
return TRUE;
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('#_#', '/', $fname, 1);
} while ($fname != $fname1);
return FALSE;
* Try to load files from different file names
* (by removing the part after the last undescore in the functin name).
protected static function load_search_files($fname) {
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('/_[^_]*$/', '', $fname);
while ($fname != $fname1) {
if (file_exists(self::file($fname))) {
return TRUE;
$fname1 = $fname;
$fname = preg_replace('/_[^_]*$/', '', $fname);
return FALSE;
* Debug the order in which the files are tried to be loaded.
public static function debug($fname) {
if (!self::DEBUG) {
$file = self::file($fname);
$file = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT, '', $file);
self::log($file, 'Autoload');
* Output the given parameter to a log file (useful for debugging).
public static function log($var, $comment ='') {
$file = '/tmp/btr.log';
$content = "\n==> $comment: " . print_r($var, true);
file_put_contents($file, $content, FILE_APPEND);