отправка смс (текст) с Java-кода на мобильный телефон в Windows - PullRequest
3 голосов
/ 28 октября 2010

Можно ли отправлять смс с windows machine на мобильный телефон.

Я много искал и получил следующий код.


package sms;

import java.util.Date;

public class Sender implements Runnable  {

  private static final long STANDARD=500;
  private static final long LONG=2000;
  private static final long  VERYLONG=20000;

  SerialConnection mySerial =null;

  static final private char cntrlZ=(char)26;
  String in, out;
  Thread aThread=null;
  private long delay=STANDARD;
  String recipient=null;
  String message=null;

  private String csca="+6596845999"; // the message center
  private SerialParameters defaultParameters= new SerialParameters ("COM2",9600,0,0,8,1,0);
  public int step;
  public int status=-1;
  public long messageNo=-1;

  public Sender(String recipient, String message){


   * connect to the port and start the dialogue thread
  public int send () throws Exception{

    SerialParameters params = defaultParameters;

    mySerial =new SerialConnection (params);


    aThread=new Thread(this);

    aThread.start() ;

    return 0;

   * implement the dialogue thread,
   * message / response via steps,
   * handle time out

  public void run(){

    boolean timeOut=false;
    long startTime=(new Date()).getTime();

    while ((step <7) && (!timeOut)){
//      log(""+((new Date()).getTime() - startTime);
      //check where we are in specified delay
      timeOut=((new Date()).getTime() - startTime)>delay;

      //if atz does not work, type to send cntrlZ and retry, in case a message was stuck
      if (timeOut && (step==1)) {
          mySerial.send(        ""+cntrlZ);

      //read incoming string
      String result=  mySerial.getIncommingString() ;

//    log ("<- "+result+"\n--------");
      int expectedResult=-1;

        //log ("Step:"+step);

        switch (step){
          case 0:

            startTime=(new Date()).getTime();

          case 1:
            startTime=(new Date()).getTime();
          case 2:

            //log ("received ok ="+expectedResult);
            if (expectedResult>-1){
              startTime=(new Date()).getTime();
          case 3:

           // log ("received ok ="+expectedResult);
            if (expectedResult>-1){
              startTime=(new Date()).getTime();

          case 4:

           // log ("received ok ="+expectedResult);
            if (expectedResult>-1){
              startTime=(new Date()).getTime();

          case 5:

           // log ("received ok ="+expectedResult);
            if (expectedResult>-1){
              startTime=(new Date()).getTime();
            delay=VERYLONG;//waitning for message ack


          case 6:
            //read message number
            if (expectedResult>-1){
              int n=result.indexOf("CMGS:");
              messageNo=Long.parseLong(result.substring(0,n).trim() );

              log ("sent message no:"+messageNo);




      }catch (Exception e){

    mySerial.closeConnection() ;

    //if timed out set status

    if (timeOut ) {
        log("*** time out at step "+step+"***");
 * logging function, includes date and class name
  private void log(String s){
    System.out.println (new java.util.Date()+":"+this.getClass().getName()+":"+s);


package sms;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;

import javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier;
import javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener;
import javax.comm.NoSuchPortException;
import javax.comm.PortInUseException;
import javax.comm.SerialPort;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener;
import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException;

A class that handles the details of a serial connection. Reads from one
TextArea and writes to a second TextArea.
Holds the state of the connection.
public class SerialConnection implements SerialPortEventListener,
      CommPortOwnershipListener {

    private SerialParameters parameters;
    private OutputStream os;
    private InputStream is;
    private KeyHandler keyHandler;

    private CommPortIdentifier portId;
    private SerialPort sPort;

    private boolean open;

    private String receptionString="";

    public String getIncommingString(){
      byte[] bVal= receptionString.getBytes();
      return new String (bVal);

    public SerialConnection(SerialParameters parameters) {
        this.parameters = parameters;
 open = false;

   Attempts to open a serial connection and streams using the parameters
   in the SerialParameters object. If it is unsuccesfull at any step it
   returns the port to a closed state, throws a
   <code>SerialConnectionException</code>, and returns.

   Gives a timeout of 30 seconds on the portOpen to allow other applications
   to reliquish the port if have it open and no longer need it.
   public void openConnection() throws SerialConnectionException {

       // System.out.println("OK 0 ");
 // Obtain a CommPortIdentifier object for the port you want to open.

 try {
           // System.out.println(parameters.getPortName());
     portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(parameters.getPortName());
 } catch (NoSuchPortException e) {
           // System.out.println("Yes the problem is here 1 ");
    // throw new SerialConnectionException(e.getMessage());
 }catch(Exception e)
          //  System.out.println("ErrorErrorErrorError");
        //System.out.println("OK 1 ");
 // Open the port represented by the CommPortIdentifier object. Give
 // the open call a relatively long timeout of 30 seconds to allow
 // a different application to reliquish the port if the user
 // wants to.
 try {
     sPort = (SerialPort)portId.open("SMSConnector", 30000);
 } catch (PortInUseException e) {

     throw new SerialConnectionException(e.getMessage());
        //System.out.println("OK 2 ");

 // Set the parameters of the connection. If they won't set, close the
 // port before throwing an exception.
 try {
 } catch (SerialConnectionException e) {
     throw e;
       // System.out.println("OK 3 ");
 // Open the input and output streams for the connection. If they won't
 // open, close the port before throwing an exception.
 try {
     os = sPort.getOutputStream();
     is = sPort.getInputStream();
 } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new SerialConnectionException("Error opening i/o streams");
//System.out.println("OK 4 ");
 // Create a new KeyHandler to respond to key strokes in the
 // messageAreaOut. Add the KeyHandler as a keyListener to the
 // messageAreaOut.
 keyHandler = new KeyHandler(os);
 // Add this object as an event listener for the serial port.
 try {
 } catch (TooManyListenersException e) {
     throw new SerialConnectionException("too many listeners added");
//System.out.println("OK 5 ");
 // Set notifyOnDataAvailable to true to allow event driven input.

 // Set notifyOnBreakInterrup to allow event driven break handling.

 // Set receive timeout to allow breaking out of polling loop during
 // input handling.
 try {
 } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {
//System.out.println("OK 6 ");
 // Add ownership listener to allow ownership event handling.

 open = true;

    Sets the connection parameters to the setting in the parameters object.
    If set fails return the parameters object to origional settings and
    throw exception.
    public void setConnectionParameters() throws SerialConnectionException {

 // Save state of parameters before trying a set.
 int oldBaudRate = sPort.getBaudRate();
 int oldDatabits = sPort.getDataBits();
 int oldStopbits = sPort.getStopBits();
 int oldParity   = sPort.getParity();
 int oldFlowControl = sPort.getFlowControlMode();

 // Set connection parameters, if set fails return parameters object
 // to original state.
 try {
 } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {
     throw new SerialConnectionException("Unsupported parameter");

 // Set flow control.
 try {
              | parameters.getFlowControlOut());
 } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {
     throw new SerialConnectionException("Unsupported flow control");

    Close the port and clean up associated elements.
    public void closeConnection() {
 // If port is alread closed just return.
 if (!open) {

 // Remove the key listener.
// messageAreaOut.removeKeyListener(keyHandler);

 // Check to make sure sPort has reference to avoid a NPE.
 if (sPort != null) {
     try {
  // close the i/o streams.
     } catch (IOException e) {

     // Close the port.

     // Remove the ownership listener.

 open = false;

    Send a one second break signal.
    public void sendBreak() {

    Reports the open status of the port.
    @return true if port is open, false if port is closed.
    public boolean isOpen() {
 return open;

    Handles SerialPortEvents. The two types of SerialPortEvents that this
    program is registered to listen for are DATA_AVAILABLE and BI. During
    DATA_AVAILABLE the port buffer is read until it is drained, when no more
    data is availble and 30ms has passed the method returns. When a BI
    event occurs the words BREAK RECEIVED are written to the messageAreaIn.

    public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent e) {
  // Create a StringBuffer and int to receive input data.
 StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 int newData = 0;

 // Determine type of event.

 switch (e.getEventType()) {

     // Read data until -1 is returned. If \r is received substitute
     // \n for correct newline handling.
     case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
      while (newData != -1) {
       try {
           newData = is.read();
       if (newData == -1) {
       if ('\r' == (char)newData) {
       } else {
       } catch (IOException ex) {

  // Append received data to messageAreaIn.
  receptionString=receptionString+ (new String(inputBuffer));

     // If break event append BREAK RECEIVED message.
     case SerialPortEvent.BI:
  receptionString=receptionString+("\n--- BREAK RECEIVED ---\n");


    Handles ownership events. If a PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED event is
    received a dialog box is created asking the user if they are
    willing to give up the port. No action is taken on other types
    of ownership events.
    public void ownershipChange(int type) {
 if (type == CommPortOwnershipListener.PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED) {
     PortRequestedDialog prd = new PortRequestedDialog(parent);

    A class to handle <code>KeyEvent</code>s generated by the messageAreaOut.
    When a <code>KeyEvent</code> occurs the <code>char</code> that is
    generated by the event is read, converted to an <code>int</code> and
    writen to the <code>OutputStream</code> for the port.
    class KeyHandler extends KeyAdapter {
 OutputStream os;

 Creates the KeyHandler.
 @param os The OutputStream for the port.
 public KeyHandler(OutputStream os) {
     this.os = os;

 Handles the KeyEvent.
 Gets the <code>char</char> generated by the <code>KeyEvent</code>,
 converts it to an <code>int</code>, writes it to the <code>
 OutputStream</code> for the port.
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
            char newCharacter = evt.getKeyChar();
            if ((int)newCharacter==10) newCharacter = '\r';
            System.out.println ((int)newCharacter);
     try {
     } catch (IOException e) {
  System.err.println("OutputStream write error: " + e);
        public void send(String message) {
            byte[] theBytes= (message+"\n").getBytes();
            for (int i=0; i<theBytes.length;i++){

              char newCharacter = (char)theBytes[i];
              if ((int)newCharacter==10) newCharacter = '\r';

       try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
                  System.err.println("OutputStream write error: " + e);

            //System.out.println (">'" +message +"' sent");



package sms;

public class SerialConnectionException extends Exception {

     * Constructs a <code>SerialConnectionException</code>
     * with the specified detail message.
     * @param   s   the detail message.
    public SerialConnectionException(String str) {

     * Constructs a <code>SerialConnectionException</code>
     * with no detail message.
    public SerialConnectionException() {


package sms;
import javax.comm.SerialPort;

A class that stores parameters for serial ports.
public class SerialParameters {

    private String portName;
    private int baudRate;
    private int flowControlIn;
    private int flowControlOut;
    private int databits;
    private int stopbits;
    private int parity;

    Default constructer. Sets parameters to no port, 9600 baud, no flow
    control, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
    public SerialParameters () {
      SerialPort.PARITY_NONE );


    Paramaterized constructer.

    @param portName The name of the port.
    @param baudRate The baud rate.
    @param flowControlIn Type of flow control for receiving.
    @param flowControlOut Type of flow control for sending.
    @param databits The number of data bits.
    @param stopbits The number of stop bits.
    @param parity The type of parity.
    public SerialParameters(String portName,
       int baudRate,
       int flowControlIn,
       int flowControlOut,
       int databits,
       int stopbits,
       int parity) {

     this.portName = portName;
     this.baudRate = baudRate;
     this.flowControlIn = flowControlIn;
     this.flowControlOut = flowControlOut;
     this.databits = databits;
     this.stopbits = stopbits;
     this.parity = parity;

    Sets port name.
    @param portName New port name.
    public void setPortName(String portName) {
 this.portName = portName;

    Gets port name.
    @return Current port name.
    public String getPortName() {
 return portName;

    Sets baud rate.
    @param baudRate New baud rate.
    public void setBaudRate(int baudRate) {
 this.baudRate = baudRate;

    Sets baud rate.
    @param baudRate New baud rate.
    public void setBaudRate(String baudRate) {
 this.baudRate = Integer.parseInt(baudRate);

    Gets baud rate as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current baud rate.
    public int getBaudRate() {
 return baudRate;

    Gets baud rate as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current baud rate.
    public String getBaudRateString() {
 return Integer.toString(baudRate);

    Sets flow control for reading.
    @param flowControlIn New flow control for reading type.
    public void setFlowControlIn(int flowControlIn) {
 this.flowControlIn = flowControlIn;

    Sets flow control for reading.
    @param flowControlIn New flow control for reading type.
    public void setFlowControlIn(String flowControlIn) {
 this.flowControlIn = stringToFlow(flowControlIn);

    Gets flow control for reading as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current flow control type.
    public int getFlowControlIn() {
 return flowControlIn;

    Gets flow control for reading as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current flow control type.
    public String getFlowControlInString() {
 return flowToString(flowControlIn);

    Sets flow control for writing.
    @param flowControlIn New flow control for writing type.
    public void setFlowControlOut(int flowControlOut) {
 this.flowControlOut = flowControlOut;

    Sets flow control for writing.
    @param flowControlIn New flow control for writing type.
    public void setFlowControlOut(String flowControlOut) {
 this.flowControlOut = stringToFlow(flowControlOut);

    Gets flow control for writing as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current flow control type.
    public int getFlowControlOut() {
 return flowControlOut;

    Gets flow control for writing as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current flow control type.
    public String getFlowControlOutString() {
 return flowToString(flowControlOut);

    Sets data bits.
    @param databits New data bits setting.
    public void setDatabits(int databits) {
 this.databits = databits;

    Sets data bits.
    @param databits New data bits setting.
    public void setDatabits(String databits) {
 if (databits.equals("5")) {
     this.databits = SerialPort.DATABITS_5;
 if (databits.equals("6")) {
     this.databits = SerialPort.DATABITS_6;
 if (databits.equals("7")) {
     this.databits = SerialPort.DATABITS_7;
 if (databits.equals("8")) {
     this.databits = SerialPort.DATABITS_8;

    Gets data bits as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current data bits setting.
    public int getDatabits() {
 return databits;

    Gets data bits as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current data bits setting.
    public String getDatabitsString() {
 switch(databits) {
     case SerialPort.DATABITS_5:
  return "5";
     case SerialPort.DATABITS_6:
  return "6";
     case SerialPort.DATABITS_7:
  return "7";
     case SerialPort.DATABITS_8:
  return "8";
  return "8";

    Sets stop bits.
    @param stopbits New stop bits setting.
    public void setStopbits(int stopbits) {
 this.stopbits = stopbits;

    Sets stop bits.
    @param stopbits New stop bits setting.
    public void setStopbits(String stopbits) {
 if (stopbits.equals("1")) {
     this.stopbits = SerialPort.STOPBITS_1;
 if (stopbits.equals("1.5")) {
     this.stopbits = SerialPort.STOPBITS_1_5;
 if (stopbits.equals("2")) {
     this.stopbits = SerialPort.STOPBITS_2;

    Gets stop bits setting as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current stop bits setting.
    public int getStopbits() {
 return stopbits;

    Gets stop bits setting as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current stop bits setting.
    public String getStopbitsString() {
 switch(stopbits) {
     case SerialPort.STOPBITS_1:
  return "1";
     case SerialPort.STOPBITS_1_5:
  return "1.5";
     case SerialPort.STOPBITS_2:
  return "2";
  return "1";

    Sets parity setting.
    @param parity New parity setting.
    public void setParity(int parity) {
 this.parity = parity;

    Sets parity setting.
    @param parity New parity setting.
    public void setParity(String parity) {
 if (parity.equals("None")) {
     this.parity = SerialPort.PARITY_NONE;
 if (parity.equals("Even")) {
     this.parity = SerialPort.PARITY_EVEN;
 if (parity.equals("Odd")) {
     this.parity = SerialPort.PARITY_ODD;

    Gets parity setting as an <code>int</code>.
    @return Current parity setting.
    public int getParity() {
 return parity;

    Gets parity setting as a <code>String</code>.
    @return Current parity setting.
    public String getParityString() {
 switch(parity) {
     case SerialPort.PARITY_NONE:
  return "None";
      case SerialPort.PARITY_EVEN:
  return "Even";
     case SerialPort.PARITY_ODD:
  return "Odd";
  return "None";

    Converts a <code>String</code> describing a flow control type to an
    <code>int</code> type defined in <code>SerialPort</code>.
    @param flowControl A <code>string</code> describing a flow control type.
    @return An <code>int</code> describing a flow control type.
    private int stringToFlow(String flowControl) {
 if (flowControl.equals("None")) {
     return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE;
 if (flowControl.equals("Xon/Xoff Out")) {
     return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT;
 if (flowControl.equals("Xon/Xoff In")) {
     return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN;
 if (flowControl.equals("RTS/CTS In")) {
     return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN;
 if (flowControl.equals("RTS/CTS Out")) {
     return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT;
 return SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE;

    Converts an <code>int</code> describing a flow control type to a
    <code>String</code> describing a flow control type.
    @param flowControl An <code>int</code> describing a flow control type.
    @return A <code>String</code> describing a flow control type.
    String flowToString(int flowControl) {
 switch(flowControl) {
     case SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE:
  return "None";
  return "Xon/Xoff Out";
     case SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN:
  return "Xon/Xoff In";
     case SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN:
  return "RTS/CTS In";
     case SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT:
  return "RTS/CTS Out";
  return "None";

Но когда я пытаюсь запустить код, я получаю следующую ошибку: -

Error loading SolarisSerial: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no SolarisSerialParallel in java.library.path
Caught java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver.readRegistrySerial(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/lang/String;)I while loading driver com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver

- это тот код, который я взял для конкретной ОС.Или есть другой способ отправить смс (txt) с компьютера на мобильный телефон.

Пожалуйста, помогите мне.

Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 28 октября 2010

Я думаю, что это очень сложный подход.Если вы разрабатываете коммерческое приложение, есть много компаний, которые предоставляют веб-сервисы, которые вы могли бы использовать.Вы просто отправляете текст смс на веб-сервис, и они будут отправлять смс для вас, не нужно изобретать велосипед.Если вы сами не разрабатываете такой веб-сервис!

0 голосов
/ 28 октября 2010

Ваш код использует класс драйвера JNI "com.sun.comm.SolarisDriver".Ваша программа не может найти динамическую библиотеку SolarisSerialParallel.

Виртуальная машина Java должна быть в состоянии найти собственную библиотеку.Для этого установите путь к библиотеке, добавив путь к библиотеке следующим образом:

Системы на базе Unix или Linux :


Windows (Я полагаю, что в этом случае вам нужно будет найти подходящую DLL-библиотеку, так как требуемая по вашему вопросу кажется исключительной для сред Solaris):

set PATH=%path%;C:\whatever\SolarisSerialParallel.dll

Обратите внимание, что вы можете указать этов содержащий каталог, если требуется больше библиотек.

Ссылка: Спецификация нативного интерфейса Java
