// Convert all MyISAM tables to INNODB tables in all non-special databases.
// Note: With MySQL less than 5.6, tables with a fulltext search index cannot be converted to INNODB and will be skipped.
if($argc < 4)
exit("Usage: {$argv[0]} <host> <username> <password>\n");
$host = $argv[1];
$username = $argv[2];
$password = $argv[3];
// Connect to the database.
if(!mysql_connect($host, $username, $password))
exit("Error opening database. " . mysql_error() . "\n");
// Get all databases except special ones that shouldn't be converted.
$databases = mysql_query("SHOW databases WHERE `Database` NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema')");
if($databases === false)
exit("Error showing databases. " . mysql_error() . "\n");
while($db = mysql_fetch_array($databases))
// Select the database.
exit("Error selecting database: {$db[0]}. " . mysql_error() . "\n");
printf("Database: %s\n", $db[0]);
// Get all MyISAM tables in the database.
$tables = mysql_query("SHOW table status WHERE Engine = 'MyISAM'");
if($tables === false)
exit("Error showing tables. " . mysql_error() . "\n");
while($tbl = mysql_fetch_array($tables))
// Convert the table to INNODB.
printf("--- Converting %s\n", $tbl[0]);
if(mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$tbl[0]}` ENGINE = INNODB") === false)
printf("--- --- Error altering table: {$tbl[0]}. " . mysql_error() . "\n");