Your approach is brute force apprach, The time complexity of the following approach is O(1), Here we
are dividing the given (number-1) by 3, 5 and 15, and store in countNumOf3,countNumOf5, countNumOf15.
Now we can say that 3 will make AP, within the range of given (number-1) with difference of 3.
suppose you are given number is 16, then
3=> 3, 6, 9, 12, 15= sum1=>45
5=> 5, 10, 15 sum2=> 30
15=> 15 => sum3=15
Add sum= sum1 and sum2
Here 15 is multiple of 3 and 5 so remove sum3 form sum, this will be your answer. **sum=sum-
sum3** please check link of my solution on]
import java.util.*;
class Multiplesof3And5 {
public static void main(String [] args){
Scanner scan=new Scanner(;
int num=scan.nextInt();
public static long getSum(int n){
int countNumOf3=(n-1)/3;//
int countNumOf5=(n-1)/5;
int countNumOf15=(n-1)/15;
long sum=0;
return sum;
public static int sumOfAP(int a, int n, int d){
return (n*(2*a +(n -1)*d))/2;