Во-первых, определите ниже (это из XD
framework) где-нибудь, например, внутри functions.prf
# --------------------------------------
# This file defines few useful functions
# --------------------------------------
#copyDir(source, destination)
# using "shell_path()" to correct path depending on platform
# escaping quotes and backslashes for file paths
defineTest(copyDir) {
#append copy command
!isEmpty(xd_copydir.commands): xd_copydir.commands += && \\$$escape_expand(\n\t)
xd_copydir.commands += ( $(COPY_DIR) \"$$shell_path($$1)\" \"$$shell_path($$2)\" || echo \"copy failed\" )
#the qmake generated MakeFile contains "first" and we depend that on "xd_copydir"
first.depends *= xd_copydir
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= first xd_copydir
#copy(source, destination) (i.e. the name "copyFile" was reserved)
defineTest(copyFile) {
#append copy command
!isEmpty(xd_copyfile.commands): xd_copyfile.commands += && \\$$escape_expand(\n\t)
xd_copyfile.commands += ( $(COPY_FILE) \"$$shell_path($$1)\" \"$$shell_path($$2)\" || echo \"copy failed\" )
#the qmake generated MakeFile contains "first" and we depend that on "xd_copyfile"
first.depends *= xd_copyfile
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= first xd_copyfile
и используйте его в своем проекте как:
include($$PWD/functions.prf) #optional
copyFile($$PWD/myfile1.txt, $$DESTDIR/myfile1.txt)
copyFile($$PWD/README.txt, $$DESTDIR/README.txt)
copyDir($$PWD/redist, $$DESTDIR/redist) #copy "redist" folder to "$$DESTDIR"
Обратите внимание, что все файлы будут скопированы до того, как будет выполнена операция связывания (что может быть полезно).
полный сценарий
Но когда вам нужно что-то вроде copyFileLater(source, destination)
, толькоскопируйте файлы, как только сборка будет завершена, затем рассмотрите возможность использования приведенного ниже кода (который взят из XD
framework под лицензией Apache 2.0
# --------------------------------------
# This file defines few useful functions
# --------------------------------------
xd_command_count = 0
#xd_prebuild(prefix, command)
defineTest(xd_prebuild) {
#generate target name with number
xd_command_count = $$num_add($$xd_command_count, 1)
name = $$1$$xd_command_count
#append command
eval( $${name}.commands += ( \$\$2 ) );
#the qmake generated "MakeFile" should contain "first"
# and we depend that on new command
!contains( first.depends, $$name ) {
!isEmpty(first.depends): first.depends += \\$$escape_expand(\\n)
first.depends += $$name
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS *= first $$name
#eval( warning(xd_push_command: $${name}.commands += \$\${$${name}.commands}) )
defineTest(xd_postbuild) {
!isEmpty(QMAKE_POST_LINK): QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$QMAKE_POST_LINK$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)
# resolves path like built-in functions (i.e. counts input relative to $$PWD)
defineReplace(xd_escape) {
1 = $$absolute_path($$1)
#using "shell_path()" to correct path depending on platform
# escaping quotes and backslashes for file paths
1 = $$shell_path($$1)
#copyFile(source, destination)
# this will both copy and rename "source" to "destination", However like "copy_file()":
# if "destination" is path to existing directory or ends with slash (i.e. "/" or "\\"),
# will just copy to existing "destination" directory without any rename
# note: this is executed before build, but after qmake did exit
# so use "copy_file(...)" instead if the output file is required in qmake script
# like for example if "write_file(...)" is called on the output...
defineTest(copyFile) {
#note that "$(COPY_FILE)" is generated by qmake from "$$QMAKE_COPY_FILE"
xd_prebuild(xd_copyfile, $(COPY_FILE) $$xd_escape($$1) $$xd_escape($$2) || echo copyFile-failed)
#copyFileLater(source, destination = $(DESTDIR))
# note: this is executed after build is done, hence the name copy-later
defineTest(copyFileLater) {
destDir = $$2
isEmpty(destDir): destDir = $(DESTDIR)
#append copy command
xd_postbuild($(COPY_FILE) $$xd_escape($$1) $$xd_escape($$destDir) || echo copyFileLater-failed)
#!build_pass:warning(copyFile: $$1 to: $$destDir)
#copyDir(source, destination)
defineTest(copyDir) {
xd_prebuild(xd_copydir, $(COPY_DIR) $$xd_escape($$1) $$xd_escape($$2) || echo copyDir-failed)
#copyDirLater(source, destination = $(DESTDIR))
# note: this is executed after build is done, hence the name copy-later
defineTest(copyDirLater) {
destDir = $$2
isEmpty(destDir): destDir = $(DESTDIR)
#append copy command
xd_postbuild($(COPY_DIR) $$xd_escape($$1) $$xd_escape($$destDir) || echo copyDirLater-failed)
#!build_pass:warning(copyFile: $$1 to: $$destDir)
defineTest(makeDir) {
xd_prebuild(xd_makedir, $(MKDIR) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo makeDir-failed: \"$$1\")
defineTest(makeDirLater) {
xd_postbuild( $(MKDIR) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo makeDirLater-failed )
#!build_pass:warning(makeDirLater: $$1)
defineTest(deleteFile) {
xd_prebuild(xd_delfile, $(DEL_FILE) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo deleteFile-failed)
defineTest(deleteFileLater) {
xd_postbuild( $(DEL_FILE) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo deleteFileLater-failed )
#!build_pass:warning(deleteFileLater: $$1)
defineTest(deleteDir) {
xd_prebuild(xd_delfile, $(DEL_DIR) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo deleteDir-failed)
defineTest(deleteDirLater) {
xd_postbuild( $(DEL_DIR) $$xd_escape($$1) || echo deleteDirLater-failed )
#!build_pass:warning(deleteFileLater: $$1)
# note that inside the script runned by this method
# $$OUT_PWD will be same as original $$OUT_PWD of qmakeLater(...) caller project
# since there is the "Makefile" that executes our custom qmake
defineTest(qmakeRun) {
xd_postbuild( $(QMAKE) $$xd_escape($$1) -r -spec \"$$shell_path($$QMAKESPEC)\" )
#!build_pass:warning(qmakeLater: $$1)
defineTest(qmakeLater) {
xd_postbuild( $(QMAKE) $$xd_escape($$1) -r -spec \"$$shell_path($$QMAKESPEC)\" )
#!build_pass:warning(qmakeLater: $$1)