нашел какой-то прямой подход с использованием cpp выпуклостиDefects.Обработка текста выпуклойHull-функцией.Заполняется по типу, int * возвращает значения, Point * возвращает координаты.
void WorkFrame( Mat img, double minArea )
// img already preprocessed, threshold, gray, smooth, morphology whatever..
//get some contours
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours( img, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
for( int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++ )
vector<Point>& c=contours[i];
double area = contourArea( c );
if( area<minArea ){ continue; } //filter remaining noise
//convexHull works typedependent.
//std::vector<Point> ptHull1; //uncomment and compare to ptHull2
//convexHull( c, ptHull1 ); //convexHull is smart and fills direct coordinates
std::vector<int> ihull;
convexHull( c, ihull ); //convexHull is smart and fills in contourIndices
std::vector<Vec4i> defects;
convexityDefects( c, ihull, defects ); //expects indexed hull (internal assertion mat.channels()==1)
std::vector< Point > ptHull2;
std::vector<int>::iterator ii=ihull.begin();
while( ii!=ihull.end() )
int idx=(*ii);
ptHull2.push_back( c[idx] );
cv::polylines( mat, c, true, Scalar( 0xCC,0xCC,0xCC ), 1 );
cv::polylines( mat, ptHull2, true, Scalar( 0xFF, 0x20, 0x20 ), 1 );
std::vector<Vec4i>::iterator d=defects.begin();
while( d!=defects.end() )
Vec4i& v=(*d); d++;
int startidx=v[0]; Point ptStart( c[startidx] );
int endidx=v[1]; Point ptEnd( c[endidx] );
int faridx=v[2]; Point ptFar( c[faridx] );
cv::circle( img, ptStart, 4, Scalar( 0x02,0x60,0xFF ), 2 );
cv::circle( img, ptEnd, 4, Scalar( 0xFF,0x60,0x02 ), 2 );
cv::circle( img, ptFar, 4, Scalar( 0x60,0xFF,0x02 ), 2 );