Это мой ответ.Надеюсь, это может кому-нибудь помочь.
Моя задача - сделать так, чтобы процедура поиска могла остановиться где угодно, а для найденного файла указывается относительная глубина по отношению к исходному пути.
var _fs = require('fs');
var _path = require('path');
var _defer = process.nextTick;
// next() will pop the first element from an array and return it, together with
// the recursive depth and the container array of the element. i.e. If the first
// element is an array, it'll be dug into recursively. But if the first element is
// an empty array, it'll be simply popped and ignored.
// e.g. If the original array is [1,[2],3], next() will return [1,0,[[2],3]], and
// the array becomes [[2],3]. If the array is [[[],[1,2],3],4], next() will return
// [1,2,[2]], and the array becomes [[[2],3],4].
// There is an infinity loop `while(true) {...}`, because I optimized the code to
// make it a non-recursive version.
var next = function(c) {
var a = c;
var n = 0;
while (true) {
if (a.length == 0) return null;
var x = a[0];
if (x.constructor == Array) {
if (x.length > 0) {
a = x;
} else {
a = c;
n = 0;
} else {
return [x, n, a];
// cb is the callback function, it have four arguments:
// 1) an error object if any exception happens;
// 2) a path name, may be a directory or a file;
// 3) a flag, `true` means directory, and `false` means file;
// 4) a zero-based number indicates the depth relative to the original path.
// cb should return a state value to tell whether the searching routine should
// continue: `true` means it should continue; `false` means it should stop here;
// but for a directory, there is a third state `null`, means it should do not
// dig into the directory and continue searching the next file.
var ls = function(path, cb) {
// use `_path.resolve()` to correctly handle '.' and '..'.
var c = [ _path.resolve(path) ];
var f = function() {
var p = next(c);
p && s(p);
var s = function(p) {
_fs.stat(p[0], function(err, ss) {
if (err) {
// use `_defer()` to turn a recursive call into a non-recursive call.
cb(err, p[0], null, p[1]) && _defer(f);
} else if (ss.isDirectory()) {
var y = cb(null, p[0], true, p[1]);
if (y) r(p);
else if (y == null) _defer(f);
} else {
cb(null, p[0], false, p[1]) && _defer(f);
var r = function(p) {
_fs.readdir(p[0], function(err, files) {
if (err) {
cb(err, p[0], true, p[1]) && _defer(f);
} else {
// not use `Array.prototype.map()` because we can make each change on site.
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
files[i] = _path.join(p[0], files[i]);
var printfile = function(err, file, isdir, n) {
if (err) {
console.log('--> ' + ('[' + n + '] ') + file + ': ' + err);
return true;
} else {
console.log('... ' + ('[' + n + '] ') + (isdir ? 'D' : 'F') + ' ' + file);
return true;
var path = process.argv[2];
ls(path, printfile);