//a simple combined code snippet
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MustHaveAttributes
class Program
static void Main ( string[] args )
Console.WriteLine ( " START " );
// what is in the assembly
Assembly a = Assembly.Load ( "MustHaveAttributes" );
Type[] types = a.GetTypes ();
foreach (Type t in types)
Console.WriteLine ( "Type is {0}", t );
Console.WriteLine (
"{0} types found", types.Length );
#region Linq
//#region Action
//string @namespace = "MustHaveAttributes";
//var q = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetTypes ()
// where t.IsClass && t.Namespace == @namespace
// select t;
//q.ToList ().ForEach ( t => Console.WriteLine ( t.Name ) );
//#endregion Action
Console.ReadLine ();
Console.WriteLine ( " HIT A KEY TO EXIT " );
Console.WriteLine ( " END " );
} //eof Program
class ClassOne
} //eof class
class ClassTwo
} //eof class
[System.AttributeUsage ( System.AttributeTargets.Class |
System.AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true )]
public class AttributeClass : System.Attribute
public string MustHaveDescription { get; set; }
public string MusHaveVersion { get; set; }
public AttributeClass ( string mustHaveDescription, string mustHaveVersion )
MustHaveDescription = mustHaveDescription;
MusHaveVersion = mustHaveVersion;
} //eof class
} //eof namespace