Решение без StaticLayout
//Get post text
String text = post.getText();
//Get weight of space character in px
float spaceWeight = paint.measureText(" ");
//Start main algorithm of drawing words on canvas
//Split text to words
for (String line : text.split(" ")) {
//If we had empty space just continue
if (line.equals("")) continue;
//Get weight of the line
float lineWeight = paint.measureText(line);
//If our word(line) doesn't have any '\n' we do next
if (line.indexOf('\n') == -1) {
//If word can fit into current line
if (cnv.getWidth() - pxx - defaultMargin >= lineWeight) {
//Draw text
cnv.drawText(line, pxx, pxy, paint);
//Move start x point to word weight + space weight
pxx += lineWeight + spaceWeight;
} else {
//If word can't fit into current line
//Move x point to start
//Move y point to the next line
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(line, pxx, pxy, paint);
//Move x point to word weight + space weight
pxx += lineWeight + spaceWeight;
//If line contains '\n'
} else {
//If '\n' is on the start of the line
if (line.indexOf('\n') == 0) {
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(line.replaceAll("\n", ""), pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx += lineWeight + spaceWeight;
} else {
//If '\n' is somewhere in the middle
//and it also can contain few '\n'
//Split line to sublines
String[] subline = line.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < subline.length; i++) {
//Get weight of new word
lineWeight = paint.measureText(subline[i]);
//If it's empty subline that's mean that we have '\n'
if (subline[i].equals("")) {
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(subline[i], pxx, pxy, paint);
//If we have only one word
if (subline.length == 1 && i == 0) {
if (cnv.getWidth() - pxx >= lineWeight) {
cnv.drawText(subline[0], pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
} else {
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(subline[0], pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
//If we have set of words separated with '\n'
//it is the first word
//Make sure we can put it into current line
if (i == 0) {
if (cnv.getWidth() - pxx >= lineWeight) {
cnv.drawText(subline[0], pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx = defaultMargin;
} else {
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(subline[0], pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx = defaultMargin;
} else {
pxx = defaultMargin;
pxy += paint.descent() - paint.ascent();
cnv.drawText(subline[i], pxx, pxy, paint);
pxx += lineWeight + spaceWeight;