Проблема только в том случае, если последняя цифра равна 5. Например. 0.045 внутренне сохраняется как 0.044999999999999 ... Вы можете просто увеличить последнюю цифру до 6 и округлить. Это даст вам желаемый результат.
import re
def custom_round(num, precision=0):
# Get the type of given number
type_num = type(num)
# If the given type is not a valid number type, raise TypeError
if type_num not in [int, float, Decimal]:
raise TypeError("type {} doesn't define __round__ method".format(type_num.__name__))
# If passed number is int, there is no rounding off.
if type_num == int:
return num
# Convert number to string.
str_num = str(num).lower()
# We will remove negative context from the number and add it back in the end
negative_number = False
if num < 0:
negative_number = True
str_num = str_num[1:]
# If number is in format 1e-12 or 2e+13, we have to convert it to
# to a string in standard decimal notation.
if 'e-' in str_num:
# For 1.23e-7, e_power = 7
e_power = int(re.findall('e-[0-9]+', str_num)[0][2:])
# For 1.23e-7, number = 123
number = ''.join(str_num.split('e-')[0].split('.'))
zeros = ''
# Number of zeros = e_power - 1 = 6
for i in range(e_power - 1):
zeros = zeros + '0'
# Scientific notation 1.23e-7 in regular decimal = 0.000000123
str_num = '0.' + zeros + number
if 'e+' in str_num:
# For 1.23e+7, e_power = 7
e_power = int(re.findall('e\+[0-9]+', str_num)[0][2:])
# For 1.23e+7, number_characteristic = 1
# characteristic is number left of decimal point.
number_characteristic = str_num.split('e+')[0].split('.')[0]
# For 1.23e+7, number_mantissa = 23
# mantissa is number right of decimal point.
number_mantissa = str_num.split('e+')[0].split('.')[1]
# For 1.23e+7, number = 123
number = number_characteristic + number_mantissa
zeros = ''
# Eg: for this condition = 1.23e+7
if e_power >= len(number_mantissa):
# Number of zeros = e_power - mantissa length = 5
for i in range(e_power - len(number_mantissa)):
zeros = zeros + '0'
# Scientific notation 1.23e+7 in regular decimal = 12300000.0
str_num = number + zeros + '.0'
# Eg: for this condition = 1.23e+1
if e_power < len(number_mantissa):
# In this case, we only need to shift the decimal e_power digits to the right
# So we just copy the digits from mantissa to characteristic and then remove
# them from mantissa.
for i in range(e_power):
number_characteristic = number_characteristic + number_mantissa[i]
number_mantissa = number_mantissa[i:]
# Scientific notation 1.23e+1 in regular decimal = 12.3
str_num = number_characteristic + '.' + number_mantissa
# characteristic is number left of decimal point.
characteristic_part = str_num.split('.')[0]
# mantissa is number right of decimal point.
mantissa_part = str_num.split('.')[1]
# If number is supposed to be rounded to whole number,
# check first decimal digit. If more than 5, return
# characteristic + 1 else return characteristic
if precision == 0:
if mantissa_part and int(mantissa_part[0]) >= 5:
return type_num(int(characteristic_part) + 1)
return type_num(characteristic_part)
# Get the precision of the given number.
num_precision = len(mantissa_part)
# Rounding off is done only if number precision is
# greater than requested precision
if num_precision <= precision:
return num
# Replace the last '5' with 6 so that rounding off returns desired results
if str_num[-1] == '5':
str_num = re.sub('5$', '6', str_num)
result = round(type_num(str_num), precision)
# If the number was negative, add negative context back
if negative_number:
result = result * -1
return result