Вот пример использования tee_filter
, который я сейчас использую для вывода моего Boost.Test:
{ // init code, use static streams to keep them alive until test run process end
using namespace boost::iostreams;
static ofstream ofs("boost_test_output.log.xml"); // log file
static tee_filter<ostream> fileFilt(ofs); // tee all passed data to logfile
// note derives from `boost::iostreams::output_filter`
static text_xml_readability_filter xmlFilt; // filter all passed data, making the XML output readable
static filtering_ostream filter; // master filter
filter.push(fileFilt); // 1st, tee off any data to the file (raw boost XML)
filter.push(xmlFilt); // 2nd make the xml data stream readable (linebreaks, etc.)
filter.push(cout); // 3rd output the readable XML to cout
boost::unit_test::unit_test_log.set_stream( filter );