Как насчет этого кода ...
Option Explicit
Private c As Integer
Sub test_print_nCr()
print_nCr 5, 3, Range("A1")
End Sub
Function print_nCr(n As Integer, r As Integer, p As Range)
c = 1
internal_print_nCr n, r, p, 1, 1
End Function
Private Function internal_print_nCr(n As Integer, r As Integer, ByVal p As Range, Optional i As Integer, Optional l As Integer) As Integer
' n is the number of items we are choosing from
' r is the number of items to choose
' p is the upper corner of the output range
' i is the minimum item we are allowed to pick
' l is how many levels we are in to the choosing
' c is the complete set we are working on
If n < 1 Or r > n Or r < 0 Then Err.Raise 1
If i < 1 Then i = 1
If l < 1 Then l = 1
If c < 1 Then c = 1
If r = 0 then
p = 1
Exit Function
End If
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
For x = i To n - r + 1
If r = 1 Then
If c > 1 Then
For y = 0 To l - 2
If p.Offset(c - 1, y) = "" Then p.Offset(c - 1, y) = p.Offset(c - 2, y)
End If
p.Offset(c - 1, l - 1) = x
c = c + 1
p.Offset(c - 1, l - 1) = x
internal_print_nCr n, r - 1, p, x + 1, l + 1
End If
End Function