Эта функция разделит и уравновесит список чисел, равных по сумме, если сумма четна.
Python3 solution:
def can_partition(a):
mylist1 = []
mylist2 = []
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
for items in a:
# Take total and divide by 2.
total = sum(a)
if total % 2 == 0:
half = total//2
return("Exiting, sum has fractions, total %s half %s" % (total, total/2))
print('Total is %s total, half is %s' %(total, total/2))
for i in a:
sum1 = sum(mylist1)
sum2 = sum(mylist2)
if sum2 < half:
mypop = mylist1.pop(0)
# Function to swtich numbers between the lists if sums are uneven.
def switchNumbers(list1, list2,switch_diff):
for val in list1:
if val == switch_diff:
val_index = list1.index(val)
new_pop = list1.pop(val_index)
#Count so while do not get out of hand
count = len(a)
while count != 0:
sum1 = sum(mylist1)
sum2 = sum(mylist2)
if sum1 > sum2:
diff = sum1 -half
switchNumbers(mylist1, mylist2, diff)
count -= 1
elif sum2 > sum1:
diff = sum2 - half
switchNumbers(mylist2, mylist1, diff)
count -= 1
if sum1 == sum2:
print('Half sum1 sum2 :',half, sum1,sum2)
count -= 1
return (mylist1, mylist2)
b = [ 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2 ]
Total is 42 total, half is 21.0
Half sum1 sum2 : 21 21 21
([4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5])