Этот код прекрасно работает при создании подкласса ChromeDriver
. Обратите внимание, что приведенный ниже код специально написан в очень, очень многословном стиле, чтобы ясно проиллюстрировать каждую часть решения. Это можно легко написать более кратко, в зависимости от стиля кодирования и требований к надежной обработке ошибок. Более того, в будущем выпуске не будет необходимости создавать метод для выполнения команды DevTools, которая возвращает результат; такой метод уже будет частью привязки .NET.
public class ChromeDriverEx : ChromeDriver
private const string SendChromeCommandWithResult = "sendChromeCommandWithResponse";
private const string SendChromeCommandWithResultUrlTemplate = "/session/{sessionId}/chromium/send_command_and_get_result";
public ChromeDriverEx(string chromeDriverDirectory, ChromeOptions options)
: base(chromeDriverDirectory, options)
CommandInfo commandInfoToAdd = new CommandInfo(CommandInfo.PostCommand, SendChromeCommandWithResultUrlTemplate);
this.CommandExecutor.CommandInfoRepository.TryAddCommand(SendChromeCommandWithResult, commandInfoToAdd);
public Screenshot GetFullPageScreenshot()
// Evaluate this only to get the object that the
// Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride command will expect.
// Note that we can use the already existing ExecuteChromeCommand
// method to set and clear the device metrics, because there's no
// return value that we care about.
string metricsScript = @"({
width: Math.max(window.innerWidth,document.body.scrollWidth,document.documentElement.scrollWidth)|0,
height: Math.max(window.innerHeight,document.body.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight)|0,
deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
mobile: typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined'
Dictionary<string, object> metrics = this.EvaluateDevToolsScript(metricsScript);
this.ExecuteChromeCommand("Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride", metrics);
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["format"] = "png";
parameters["fromSurface"] = true;
object screenshotObject = this.ExecuteChromeCommandWithResult("Page.captureScreenshot", parameters);
Dictionary<string, object> screenshotResult = screenshotObject as Dictionary<string, object>;
string screenshotData = screenshotResult["data"] as string;
this.ExecuteChromeCommand("Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride", new Dictionary<string, object>());
Screenshot screenshot = new Screenshot(screenshotData);
return screenshot;
public object ExecuteChromeCommandWithResult(string commandName, Dictionary<string, object> commandParameters)
if (commandName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("commandName", "commandName must not be null");
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["cmd"] = commandName;
parameters["params"] = commandParameters;
Response response = this.Execute(SendChromeCommandWithResult, parameters);
return response.Value;
private Dictionary<string, object> EvaluateDevToolsScript(string scriptToEvaluate)
// This code is predicated on knowing the structure of the returned
// object as the result. In this case, we know that the object returned
// has a "result" property which contains the actual value of the evaluated
// script, and we expect the value of that "result" property to be an object
// with a "value" property. Moreover, we are assuming the result will be
// an "object" type (which translates to a C# Dictionary<string, object>).
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters["returnByValue"] = true;
parameters["expression"] = scriptToEvaluate;
object evaluateResultObject = this.ExecuteChromeCommandWithResult("Runtime.evaluate", parameters);
Dictionary<string, object> evaluateResultDictionary = evaluateResultObject as Dictionary<string, object>;
Dictionary<string, object> evaluateResult = evaluateResultDictionary["result"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
// If we wanted to make this actually robust, we'd check the "type" property
// of the result object before blindly casting to a dictionary.
Dictionary<string, object> evaluateValue = evaluateResult["value"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
return evaluateValue;
Вы бы использовали этот код с чем-то вроде следующего:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
ChromeDriverEx driver = new ChromeDriverEx(@"C:\path\to\directory\of\chromedriver", options);
driver.Url = "https://stackoverflow.com/questions";
Screenshot screenshot = driver.GetFullPageScreenshot();