Мне поручено реализовать алгоритм двоичного поиска в сборке (отдельный файл .asm) и использовать его в программе на C ++. Я уверен, что я правильно реализовал алгоритм, потому что я ступил в код построчно, и он дает правильные результаты. Но когда управление возвращается из кода сборки в main (), возникает исключение из-за нарушения прав доступа.
Я неправильно обращаюсь со стеком?
TITLE AsmBinarySearch Procedure (AsmBinarySearch.asm)
.model flat,C
AsmBinarySearch PROTO, searchValue:DWORD, arrayPTR:PTR DWORD, count:DWORD
AsmBinarySearch PROC USES edi, searchValue:DWORD, arrayPTR:PTR DWORD, count:DWORD
LOCAL first:DWORD, ; first position
last:DWORD, ; last position
mid:DWORD ; midpoint
; Search an array of signed integers for a single value.
; Receives: Pointer to array, array size, search value.
; Returns: If a match is found, EAX = the array position of the
; matching element; otherwise, EAX = -1.
mov first,0 ; first = 0
mov eax,count ; last = (count - 1)
dec eax
mov last,eax
mov edi,searchValue ; EDI = searchVal
mov ebx,arrayPTR ; EBX points to the array
L1: ; while first <= last
mov eax,first
cmp eax,last
jg L5 ; exit search
; mid = (last + first) / 2
mov eax,last
add eax,first
shr eax,1
mov mid,eax
; EDX = values[mid]
mov esi,mid
shl esi,2 ; scale mid value by 4
mov edx,[ebx+esi] ; EDX = values[mid]
; if ( EDX < searchval(EDI) )
; first = mid + 1;
cmp edx,edi
jge L2
mov eax,mid ; first = mid + 1
inc eax
mov first,eax
jmp L4
; else if( EDX > searchVal(EDI) )
; last = mid - 1;
L2: cmp edx,edi
jle L3
mov eax,mid ; last = mid - 1
dec eax
mov last,eax
jmp L4
; else return mid
L3: mov eax,mid ; value found
jmp L9 ; return (mid)
L4: jmp L1 ; continue the loop
L5: mov eax,-1 ; search failed
L9: ret
AsmBinarySearch ENDP
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
// Function prototype for selection sort and swap functions
void selectionSort(int array[], int size);
void swap(int &a, int &b);
// Function Prototype for binarySearch()
int binarySearch(int value, int array[], int size);
// Function Prototype for the assembly language version of binary search
extern "C" {
int AsmBinarySearch(int n, int array[], int count);
int main()
// Local Variables
const int SIZE = 10000;
const int LOOP_SIZE = 1000000;
int numbers[SIZE];
int value; // Value entered by the user
int index; // The subscript value of the matching array element or -1
// Declare the starting and ending clock time variables
clock_t startTime, endTime;
double duration;
// Define the array elements. Values will range from 1 to 1000.
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
numbers[i] = (rand() % 1000) + 1;
// Prompt the user for a 3-digit number
cout << "Enter a Positive 3-digit Number as the Search Value: ";
cin >> value;
cout << endl << "Please Be Patient. This may take several seconds . . ." << endl;
// Validate the value entered by the user
cout << endl << "Using a linear search." << endl;
startTime = clock();
for (int n = 0; n < LOOP_SIZE; n++)
index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
if (value == numbers[i]) {
index = i;
endTime = clock();
// Calculate the duration.
duration = (double)(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Display the results of the Linear validation search
if (index == -1) {
cout << "The number you entered is Not Valid." << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "The number you entered is Valid. ";
cout << "It was found at subscript " << index << endl << endl;
cout << " Elapsed time for the Linear Search was " << duration << " seconds." << endl << endl;
// Sort the elements in the array
selectionSort(numbers, SIZE);
// Perform a Binary Search
cout << endl << "Using the C++ Binary Search:" << endl;
startTime = clock();
for (int n = 0; n < LOOP_SIZE; n++) {
index = binarySearch(value, numbers, SIZE);
endTime = clock();
// Calculate the duration.
duration = (double)(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Display the results of the C++ validation search
if (index == -1) {
cout << "The number you entered is Not Valid." << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "The number you entered is Valid. ";
cout << "It was found at subscript " << index << endl << endl;
cout << " Elapsed time for the C++ Binary Search was " << duration << " seconds." << endl << endl;
// Invoke the Assembly Language version of the Binary Search Algorithm
cout << "Using the Assembly Language Binary Search." << endl;
startTime = clock();
index = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < 1; n++) {
index = AsmBinarySearch(value, numbers, SIZE);
cout << index << endl;
endTime = clock();
// Calculate the duration.
duration = (double)(endTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Display the results of the Assembly Language validation search
if (index == -1) {
cout << "The number you entered is Not Valid." << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "The number you entered is Valid. ";
cout << "It was found at subscript " << index << endl << endl;
cout << " Elapsed time for the ASM Binary Search was " << duration << " seconds." << endl << endl;
return 0;
int binarySearch(int value, int array[], int size)
// Declare and initialize the variable that will hold the subscript of the first element
int first = 0;
// Declare and initialize the variable that will hold the subscript of the last element
int last = size - 1;
// Declare the variable that will hold the subscript of the midpoint
int middle;
// Declare and initialize the variable that identifies the position of the search value
int position = -1;
// Initialize the Boolean flag that indicates whether or not the search value has been found
bool found = false;
while (!found && (first <= last))
// Calculate the subscript of the midpoint
middle = (first + last) / 2;
// Check to see if the search value is at the midpoint
if (array[middle] == value) {
found = true;
position = middle;
else if (array[middle] > value) { // Else, if the value is in the lower half
last = middle - 1;
else { // Else, the value is in the upper half
first = middle + 1;
} // end of while loop
// Return the position (subscript value) of the element that
// matched the search value, or -1 if the search value was not found.
return position;
void selectionSort(int array[], int size)
int minIndex; // Subscript of smallest value in scanned area
int minValue; // Smallest value in the scanned area
// The outer loop steps through all of the array elements,
// except the last one. The startScan variable marks the
// position where the sacn should begin.
for (int startScan = 0; startScan < size - 1; startScan++)
// Assume the first element in the scannable area
// is the smallest value.
minIndex = startScan;
minValue = array[startScan];
// Scan the array, starting at the second element in the
// scannable area, looking for the smallest value.
for (int index = startScan + 1; index < size; index++)
if (array[index] < minValue)
minValue = array[index];
minIndex = index;
// Swap the element with the smallest value with the
// first element in the scannable area.
swap(array[minIndex], array[startScan]);
void swap(int &a, int &b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;