Я продолжаю получать следующее сообщение об ошибке для моего кода. (Попытка перебрать хеш, встроенный в массив, чтобы вернуть наибольшее значение и связанный с ним ключ). Ошибка появляется после первого цикла.
Traceback (последний вызов был последним): 6: из main.rb: 53: в <main>' 5:
from main.rb:53:in
map '4: из main.rb: 53: в each' 3: from
раз' 2: из main.rb: 58: в block in <main>' 1:
from main.rb:58:in
каждый 'main.rb: 60: в block (2 levels) in <main>':
undefined method
[]' для nil: NilClass (NoMethodError)
#assigns number of participants in array
num_participants = 2
#embedded hash within array (of participants)
participants = [{"participant_name"=> "Liz Lee", "cupcakes_sold" => 41, "cupcakes_left" => 31, "cakes_sold" => 12, "cakes_left" => 2},
{"participant_name" => "John Jay", "cupcakes_sold" => 44, "cupcakes_left" => 2, "cakes_sold" => 22, "cakes_left" => 4}]
#calculates total amount raised by each hash in participants array
#and populates new hash key 'proceeds' for each hash in participants array
#then loops through to update most_raised amount and assign highest_earner
counter = 0
most_raised = 0
highest_earner = ""
num_participants.times.map do
profits = 2 * participants[0 + counter]['cookies_sold'] -
participants[0 + counter]['cookies_left'] -
participants[0 + counter]['cookies_sold'] +
6 * participants[0 + counter]['cakes_sold'] -
3 * participants[0 + counter]['cakes_sold'] -
3 * participants[0 + counter]['cakes_left']
participants[0 + counter]['proceeds'] = profits.to_i
puts "\nProceeds raised by #{participants[0+counter]['participant_name'].capitalize}:
$#{participants[0+counter]['proceeds']}" +"."
['participant_name', 'proceeds'].each do
if (max < profits)
most_raised = participants[0+counter]['proceeds'].to_i
highest_earner = participants[0+counter]['participant_name']
puts "#{highest_earner.capitalize} raised the most:$#{most_raised}"