Я использую Rollingcurl для сканирования различных страниц.
Rollingcurl: https://github.com/LionsAd/rolling-curl
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
require "RollingCurl.php";
require "tmdb_class.php";
$tmdb = new Tmdb;
if (isset($_GET['action']) || isset($_POST['action'])) {
$action = (isset($_GET['action'])) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['action'];
} else {
$action = "";
echo " Test<br /><br />";
/*function most_popular($response, $info)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //disable libxml errors
if (!empty($response)) {
//if any html is actually returned
libxml_clear_errors(); //remove errors for yucky html
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
//get all the h2's with an id
$row = $xpath->query("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image') and contains(@class, 'float-left')]/a/@href");
$nexts = $xpath->query("//a[contains(@class, 'lister-page-next') and contains(@class, 'next-page')]");
$names = $xpath->query('//img[@class="loadlate"]');
foreach ($nexts as $next) {
echo "Next URL: " . $next->getAttribute('href') . "<br/>";
foreach ($names as $name) {
echo "Release Name: " . $name->getAttribute('alt') . "<br/>";
if ($row->length > 0) {
foreach ($row as $row) {
echo $doc->saveHtml($row) . "<br/>";
if ($action == "most_popular") {
if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
$link = "https://www.imdb.com/search/title?title_type=feature,tv_movie&release_date=,".$_GET['date'];
} else {
$link = "https://www.imdb.com/search/title?title_type=feature,tv_movie&release_date=,2018";
$urls = array($link);
$rc = new RollingCurl("most_popular");
$rc->window_size = 20;
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$request = new RollingCurlRequest($url);
$stream = $rc->execute();
Проще говоря, функцию "most_popular", конечно, можно вызвать. Но я хочу создать и вызвать свой собственный класс для некоторых функций.
Если в моем классе есть функция «most_popular», ее не так просто вызвать:
Мой класс:
class Tmdb
public function __construct()
/* */
public function most_popular($response, $info)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //disable libxml errors
if (!empty($response)) {
//if any html is actually returned
libxml_clear_errors(); //remove errors for yucky html
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
//get all the h2's with an id
$row = $xpath->query("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image') and contains(@class, 'float-left')]/a/@href");
$nexts = $xpath->query("//a[contains(@class, 'lister-page-next') and contains(@class, 'next-page')]");
$names = $xpath->query('//img[@class="loadlate"]');
foreach ($nexts as $next) {
echo "Next URL: " . $next->getAttribute('href') . "<br/>";
foreach ($names as $name) {
echo "Release Name: " . $name->getAttribute('alt') . "<br/>";
if ($row->length > 0) {
foreach ($row as $row) {
echo $doc->saveHtml($row) . "<br/>";
Кто-нибудь знает, как это работает?
Это не работает:
$rc = new RollingCurl($tmdb->most_popular);
$rc = new RollingCurl($tmdb->most_popular());
Заранее большое спасибо.