Я анализирую много файлов bibtex в R для некоторого анализа данных. Однако рефераты вызывают проблемы на регулярной основе, и я хочу удалить их заранее с помощью sed
Я нашел sed 's/Abstract\s\=\s[{][{]//' < file.bib
для успешного удаления абстрактной записи и
sed 's/[}][}]\,//' < file.bib
для удаления закрывающей скобки и запятой.
Однако я никак не мог объединить их, чтобы удалить все промежуточное. Например, попытавшись:
sed 's/^Abstract\s\=\s[{][{][\s\S]*[}][}]\,$//' < file.bib
Вот так выглядит ссылка на bibtex:
@article{ ISI:000072671200001,
Author = {Edmondson, A and Moingeon, B},
Title = {{From organizational learning to the learning organization}},
Year = {{1998}},
Volume = {{29}},
Number = {{1}},
Pages = {{5-20}},
Month = {{MAR}},
Abstract = {{This article reviews theories of organizational learning and presents a
framework with which to organize the literature. We argue that unit of
analysis provides one critical distinction in the organizational
learning literature and research objective provides another. The
resulting two-by-two matrix contains four categories of research, which
we have called: (2) residues (organizations as residues of past
learning); (2) communities (organizations as collections of individuals
who can learn and develop); (3) participation (organizational
improvement gained through intelligent activity of individual members),
and (4) accountability (organizational improvement gained through
developing individuals' mental models). We also propose a distinction
between the terms organizational learning and the learning organization.
Our subsequent analysis identifies relationships between disparate parts
of the literature and shows that these relationships point to individual
mental models as a critical source of leverage for creating learning
organizations. A brief discussion of the work of two of the most visible
researchers in this field, Peter Senge and Chris Argyris, provides
additional support for this type of change strategy.}},
DOI = {{10.1177/1350507698291001}},
ISSN = {{1350-5076}},
Unique-ID = {{ISI:000072671200001}},
И вот как я бы хотел, чтобы это выглядело:
@article{ ISI:000072671200001,
Author = {Edmondson, A and Moingeon, B},
Title = {{From organizational learning to the learning organization}},
Year = {{1998}},
Volume = {{29}},
Number = {{1}},
Pages = {{5-20}},
Month = {{MAR}},
DOI = {{10.1177/1350507698291001}},
ISSN = {{1350-5076}},
Unique-ID = {{ISI:000072671200001}},