Я использую <input box with type="FILE">
для загрузки файла.
Я хочу получить полный путь к загруженному файлу (путь к источнику при условии, что путь будет изменяться). Я попытался следующий код во время обратной передачи, но я не могу получить полный путь к файлу. Пожалуйста помоги.
<label class="col-sm-3 control-label">File Name : </label>
<div class="col-sm-7" style="padding-top: 7px">
<input type="FILE" name="txtFile" size="60" accept="text/plain">
set o = new clsUpload
if o.Exists("cmdSubmit") then
'get client file name
sFile = o.FileNameOf("txtFile")
'====sFile will return Data20180513.txt
response.write Server.MapPath(".")
'==== This will only return D:\BRO\IQOR.
'==== The actual path should be D:\BRO\IQOR\database\attendanceData
end if
Файловая иерархия
Я использую следующий класс для сохранения моего файла в определенном месте. Но как получить полный путь к файлу, когда я использую <input box with type="FILE">
для загрузки файла?
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Container of Field Properties
Class clsField
Public FileName
Public ContentType
Public Value
Public FieldName
Public Length
Public BinaryData
End Class
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class clsUpload
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private nFieldCount
Private oFields()
Private psFileFullPath
Private psError
Private psFileInputName
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get Count()
Count = nFieldCount
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Default Property Get Field(ByRef asFieldName)
Dim lnLength
Dim lnIndex
lnLength = UBound(oFields)
If IsNumeric(asFieldName) Then
If lnLength >= asFieldName And asFieldName > -1 Then
Set Field = oFields(asFieldName)
Set Field = New clsField
End If
For lnIndex = 0 To lnLength
If LCase(oFields(lnIndex).FieldName) = LCase(asFieldName) Then
Set Field = oFields(lnIndex)
Exit Property
End If
Set Field = New clsField
End If
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Exists(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Exists = Not IndexOf(avKeyIndex) = -1
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get ValueOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
ValueOf = oFields(lnIndex).Value
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get FileNameOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
FileNameOf = oFields(lnIndex).FileName
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get LengthOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
LengthOf = oFields(lnIndex).Length
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get BinaryDataOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
BinaryDataOf = oFields(lnIndex).BinaryData
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function IndexOf(ByVal avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
If avKeyIndex = "" Then
IndexOf = -1
ElseIf IsNumeric(avKeyIndex) Then
avKeyIndex = CLng(avKeyIndex)
If nFieldCount > avKeyIndex And avKeyIndex > -1 Then
IndexOf = avKeyIndex
IndexOf = -1
End If
For lnIndex = 0 To nFieldCount - 1
If LCase(oFields(lnIndex).FieldName) = LCase(avKeyIndex) Then
IndexOf = lnIndex
Exit Function
End If
IndexOf = -1
End If
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Let FileFullPath(sValue)
psFileFullPath = sValue
End Property
Public Property Get FileFullPath()
FileFullPath = psFileFullPath
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Let FileInputName(sValue)
psFileInputName = sValue
End Property
' -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Save()
if psFileFullPath <> "" and psFileInputName <> "" then
'Save to connectionless client side recordset, write to stream,
'and persist stream.
'would think you should be able to write directly to
'stream without recordset, but I could not get that to work
On error resume next
binData = o.BinaryDataOf(psFileInputName)
set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
rs.fields.append "FileName", 205, LenB(binData)
rs.fields(0).AppendChunk binData
if err.number = 0 then
set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = 1
objStream.Write rs.fields("FileName").value
objStream.SaveToFile psFileFullPath, 2
set objStream = Nothing
ENd if
set rs = nothing
psError = Err.Description
psError = "One or more required properties (FileFullPath and/or
FileInputName) not set"
End If
End Function
Public Property Get Error()
Error = psError
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Property Get ContentTypeOf(ByRef avKeyIndex)
Dim lnIndex
lnIndex = IndexOf(avKeyIndex)
if lnIndex = -1 Then Exit Property
ContentTypeOf = oFields(lnIndex).ContentType
End Property
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Dim lnIndex
For lnIndex = 0 To nFieldCount - 1
Set oFields(0) = Nothing
End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim lnBytes ' Bytes received from the client
Dim lnByteCount ' Number of bytes received
Dim lnStartPosition ' Position at which content begins
Dim lnEndPosition ' Position at which content ends
Dim loDic ' Contains properties of each
' specific field
' Local dictionary object(s)
' to be appended to class-scope
' dictioary object.
Dim lnBoundaryBytes ' Bytes contained within the current boundary
Dim lnBoundaryStart ' Position at which the current boundary begins
' within the lnBytes binary data.
Dim lnBoundaryEnd ' Position at which the current boundary ends
' within the lnBytes binary data.
Dim lnDispositionPosition
Dim lsFieldName ' Name of the current field being parsed from
' Binary Data
Dim lsFileName ' Name of the file within the current boundary
Dim lnFileNamePosition ' Location of file name within current boundary
Dim loField ' clsField Object
Dim lsValue ' Value of the current field
Dim lsContentType ' ContentType of the binary file (MIME Type)
' Initialize Fields
nFieldCount = 0
ReDim oFields(-1)
' Read the bytes (binary data) into memory
lnByteCount = Request.TotalBytes
lnBytes = Request.BinaryRead(lnByteCount)
'Get the lnBoundaryBytes
lnStartPosition = 1
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(vbCr))
If lnEndPosition >= lnStartPosition Then
lnBoundaryBytes = MidB(lnBytes, lnStartPosition, lnEndPosition - lnStartPosition)
End If
lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(1, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
' Loop until the BoundaryBytes begin with "--"
Do Until (lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes & CStrB("--")))
' All data within this boundary is stored within a local dictionary
' to be appended to the class-scope dictionary.
ReDim Preserve oFields(nFieldCount)
nFieldCount = nFieldCount + 1
Set loField = New clsField
lnDispositionPosition = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart, lnBytes, CStrB("Content-Disposition"))
' Get an object name
lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnDispositionPosition, lnBytes, CStrB("name=")) + 6
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(""""))
lsFieldName = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes, lnStartPosition, lnEndPosition - lnStartPosition))
loField.FieldName = lsFieldName
' Get the location fo the file name.
lnFileNamePosition = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart, lnBytes, CStrB("filename="))
lnBoundaryEnd = InstrB(lnEndPosition, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
'Test if object is a file
If Not lnFileNamePosition = 0 And lnFileNamePosition < lnBoundaryEnd Then
' Parse Filename
lnStartPosition = lnFileNamePosition + 10
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(""""))
lsFileName = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
loField.FileName = lsFileName
' Parse Content-Type
lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnEndPosition,lnBytes,CStrB("Content-Type:")) + 14
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition,lnBytes,CStrB(vbCr))
lsContentType = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
loField.ContentType = lsContentType
' Parse Content
lnStartPosition = lnEndPosition + 4
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition,lnBytes,lnBoundaryBytes)-2
lsValue = MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition)
loField.BinaryData = lsValue & CStrB(vbNull)
loField.Length = LenB(lsValue)
' Parse Content
lnStartPosition = InstrB(lnDispositionPosition, lnBytes, CStrB(vbCr)) + 4
lnEndPosition = InstrB(lnStartPosition, lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes) - 2
lsValue = CStrU(MidB(lnBytes,lnStartPosition,lnEndPosition-lnStartPosition))
loField.Value = lsValue
loField.Length = Len(lsValue)
End If
Set oFields(UBound(oFields)) = loField
'Loop to next object
lnBoundaryStart = InstrB(lnBoundaryStart + LenB(lnBoundaryBytes), lnBytes, lnBoundaryBytes)
Set loField = Nothing
End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function CStrU(ByRef psByteString)
Dim lnLength
Dim lnPosition
lnLength = LenB(psByteString)
For lnPosition = 1 To lnLength
CStrU = CStrU & Chr(AscB(MidB(psByteString, lnPosition, 1)))
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function CStrB(ByRef psUnicodeString)
Dim lnLength
Dim lnPosition
lnLength = Len(psUnicodeString)
For lnPosition = 1 To lnLength
CStrB = CStrB & ChrB(AscB(Mid(psUnicodeString, lnPosition, 1)))
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
End Class
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------