Я решил эту проблему и опубликую свой ответ здесь на случай, если кому-то понадобится в будущем:
#this create a data set filled with longitude and latitude of some place
temp = structure(list(lon = c(105.948347, 105.956001, 105.9358872, 105.930676,
105.9300467, 105.933841, 105.958083, 105.947358, 105.9487254,
105.9471336, 105.948002, 105.9558502, 105.95117, 105.952783,
105.950688, 105.9441403, 105.944914, 105.9429264, 105.9388434,
105.938816), lat = c(26.236853, 26.249777, 26.240596, 26.240516,
26.2438934, 26.245372, 26.242305, 26.244994, 26.2469876, 26.2469411,
26.2369, 26.2497956, 26.249936, 26.250501, 26.250288, 26.2488675,
26.250295, 26.2485741, 26.2379629, 26.246864)), .Names = c("lon",
"lat"), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame")
окончательное решение:
caldistMatrix = function(G,f = distHaversine){
# No need to define G,f since that is in the closure when the func is defined
calelementdist = function(i,j){
result = f(p1 = c(G[i,1],G[i,2]),p2 = c(G[j,1],G[j,2]))
D = outer(seq_along(G[,1]),seq_along(G[,2]),Vectorize(calelementdist))
петлевое решение (медленно):
caldistMatrix_test = function(G,f = distHaversine){
D = outer(1:nrow(G),1:nrow(G),Vectorize(function(x,y) return(0)))
# D = matrix(,nrow = nrow(G),ncol = nrow(G))
for(i in 1:nrow(G)){
for(j in 1:nrow(G)){
D[i,j] = f(p1 = G[i,],p2 =G[j,] )
user system elapsed
0.36 0.00 0.40
user system elapsed
0.14 0.00 0.14