Я не мог решить свою проблему, поэтому я пытаюсь объяснить это снова:
Есть 2 участника (провайдер). У них обоих есть собственный кошелек и аккаунт, и они хотят обменять наличные на токены или наоборот. Они должны иметь только READ-доступ к своим собственным ресурсам из-за мошенничества, безопасности и т. Д. Но для транзакций им необходим UPDATE-доступ. Вот мой код:
namespace org.acme.biznet
abstract participant Member identified by memberId {
o String memberId
o String name
o String email
// Sensorbesitzer, z.B private Personen, Haushalte etc.
participant Provider identified by providerId extends Member {
o String providerId
--> SDTWallet sdtWallet
--> Account account
// SDT Token Wallet von den Netzwerkteilnehmern.
asset SDTWallet identified by sdtWalletId {
o String sdtWalletId
o Double balance default = 0.0
--> Member owner
// Geldkonto von den Netzwerkteilnehmern.
asset Account identified by accountId {
o String accountId
o Double balance default = 0.0
--> Member owner
// Cash gegen Tokens getauscht.
transaction TradeCashToTokens {
o Double cashRate default = 2.0
o Double cashValue default = 1.0 range = [1.0,]
--> SDTWallet fromSDT
--> SDTWallet toSDT
--> Account fromCash
--> Account toCash
// Tokens gegen Cash getauscht.
transaction TradeTokensToCash {
o Double tokenRate default = 0.5
o Double tokenValue default = 2.0 range = [2.0,]
--> SDTWallet fromSDT
--> SDTWallet toSDT
--> Account fromCash
--> Account toCash
и logic.js:
* Cash to tokens transaction
* @param {org.acme.biznet.TradeCashToTokens} UpdateValues
* @transaction
function TradeCashToTokens(UpdateValues) {
//determine change in tokens value from the rate
var tokensChange = (UpdateValues.cashRate * UpdateValues.cashValue);
if(UpdateValues.fromCash.balance < UpdateValues.cashValue) {
throw new Error('Insufficient cash funds!');
} else if (tokensChange > UpdateValues.fromSDT.balance) {
throw new Error('Not enough tokens for this transaction!');
//update values of exchanger1 cash account
console.log('#### exchanger1 cash balance before: ' + UpdateValues.fromCash.balance);
UpdateValues.fromCash.balance -= UpdateValues.cashValue;
console.log('#### exchanger1 cash balance after: ' + UpdateValues.fromCash.balance);
//update values of exchanger2 cash account
console.log('#### exchanger2 cash balance before: ' + UpdateValues.toCash.balance);
UpdateValues.toCash.balance += UpdateValues.cashValue;
console.log('#### exchanger2 cash balance after: ' + UpdateValues.toCash.balance);
//update values of exchanger1 token wallet
console.log('#### exchanger1 token balance before: ' + UpdateValues.toSDT.balance);
UpdateValues.toSDT.balance += tokensChange;
console.log('#### exchanger1 token balance after: ' + UpdateValues.toSDT.balance);
//update values of exchanger2 token wallet
console.log('#### exchanger2 token balance before: ' + UpdateValues.fromSDT.balance);
UpdateValues.fromSDT.balance -= tokensChange;
console.log('#### exchanger2 token balance after: ' + UpdateValues.fromSDT.balance);
console.log(UpdateValues.cashValue + ' EUR exchanged to ' + tokensChange + ' SDT Tokens with actual rate of ' + UpdateValues.cashRate);
return getAssetRegistry('org.acme.biznet.SDTWallet')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
return assetRegistry.updateAll([UpdateValues.toSDT,UpdateValues.fromSDT]);
.then(function () {
return getAssetRegistry('org.acme.biznet.Account')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
return assetRegistry.updateAll([UpdateValues.toCash,UpdateValues.fromCash]);
и permissions.acl:
//Provider has access only to their own profile
rule ProviderAccessOwnProfile {
description: "Allow providers to access only their profile"
participant(p): "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ, UPDATE
resource(r): "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
condition: (r.getIdentifier() === p.getIdentifier())
action: ALLOW
//Provider has read only access to other Providers
rule ProviderReadAccessProviders {
description: "Allow provider read access to other providers"
participant: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ
resource: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
action: ALLOW
rule ProvidersReadAccesstoAccount {
description: "Traders see their own BankAccount only"
participant: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ
resource: "org.acme.biznet.Account"
action: ALLOW
rule ProvidersReadAccesstoSDTWallet {
description: "Providers see their own SDT Wallet only"
participant: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ
resource: "org.acme.biznet.SDTWallet"
action: ALLOW
//Provider can submit CashToToken transaction
rule ProvidercanUpdateAccountthroughTransactionOnly {
description: "Allow trader to submit trade transactions"
participant(p): "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ, UPDATE
resource(r): "org.acme.biznet.Account"
transaction(tx): "org.acme.biznet.TradeCashToTokens"
condition: (p.getIdentifier() === r.owner.getIdentifier() &&
r.getIdentifier() === tx.toCash.getIdentifier())
action: ALLOW
//Provider can submit CashToToken transaction
rule ProvidercanUpdateSDTWalletthroughTransactionOnly {
description: "Allow trader to submit trade transactions"
participant(p): "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ, UPDATE
resource(r): "org.acme.biznet.SDTWallet"
transaction(tx): "org.acme.biznet.TradeCashToTokens"
condition: (p.getIdentifier() === r.owner.getIdentifier() &&
r.getIdentifier() === tx.fromSDT.getIdentifier())
action: ALLOW
//Provider can submit CashToTokens transaction
rule ProviderSubmitCashToTokenTransactions {
description: "Allow provider to submit cash to tokens transactions"
participant: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: CREATE, READ
resource: "org.acme.biznet.TradeCashToTokens"
action: ALLOW
//Provider can submit TokenToCash transaction
rule ProviderSubmitTokensToCashTransactions {
description: "Allow provider to submit tokens to cash transactions"
participant: "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: CREATE, READ
resource: "org.acme.biznet.TradeTokensToCash"
action: ALLOW
//Provider can see the history of own transactions only
rule ProviderSeeOwnHistoryOnly {
description: "Proviers should be able to see the history of their own
transactions only"
participant(p): "org.acme.biznet.Provider"
operation: READ
resource(r): "org.hyperledger.composer.system.HistorianRecord"
condition: (r.participantInvoking.getIdentifier() != p.getIdentifier())
action: DENY
rule SystemACL {
description: "System ACL to permit all access"
participant: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.Participant"
operation: ALL
resource: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.**"
action: ALLOW
rule NetworkAdminUser {
description: "Grant business network administrators full access to user
participant: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin"
operation: ALL
resource: "**"
action: ALLOW
rule NetworkAdminSystem {
description: "Grant business network administrators full access to system
participant: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.NetworkAdmin"
operation: ALL
resource: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.**"
action: ALLOW
И когда я хочу попробовать совершить транзакцию в качестве провайдера, например, TradeCachToTokens, это говорит t: Participant 'org.acme.biznet.Provider#P1' does not have 'UPDATE' access to resource 'org.acme.biznet.SDTWallet#SDT1'
см. Скриншот: cash_to_tokens
Провайдер (P1) должен получить UPDATE-доступ для Кошелька и Аккаунта, если он совершает транзакцию, но не только свою собственную, для своей противоположности (P2).
В чем здесь проблема?