Я пытаюсь преобразовать свой файл Excel в VCF. Но я не могу добавить факс и адрес в формате VCF. Остальные значения я могу конвертировать, но не могу добавить факс и адрес в VCF. Мой код указан ниже:
Sub excelTovcf()
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim FullName As String
Dim EmailAddress As String
Dim PhoneHome As String
Dim PhoneWork As String
Dim Organization As String
Dim JobTitle As String
iRow = 7
' set a unique integer for the new
' text file
FileNum = FreeFile
' Save this vcf file on desktop
OutFilePath = VBA.Environ$("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\MyContacts.VCF"
Open OutFilePath For Output As FileNum
With Sheets("contacts")
While VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 1)) <> ""
FirstName = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 1))
LastName = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 2))
FullName = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 3))
EmailAddress = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 4))
PhoneHome = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 5))
PhoneWork = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 6))
Organization = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 7))
JobTitle = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 8))
Fax = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 9))
Address = VBA.Trim(.Cells(iRow, 15))
' Start printing the data in above specified
' format of VCF file format
Print #FileNum, "BEGIN:VCARD"
Print #FileNum, "VERSION:3.0"
Print #FileNum, "N:" & FirstName & ";" & LastName & ";;;"
Print #FileNum, "FN:" & FullName
Print #FileNum, "ORG:" & Organization
Print #FileNum, "TITLE:" & JobTitle
Print #FileNum, "TEL;TYPE=HOME,VOICE:" & PhoneWork
Print #FileNum, "TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:" & PhoneHome
Print #FileNum, "TEL,TYPE=WORK,FAX:" & Fax
Print #FileNum, "EMAIL:" & EmailAddress
Print #FileNum, "END:VCARD"
iRow = iRow + 1
End With
'Close The File
MsgBox "Total " & iRow - 7 & " Contacts are exported to VCF File. It is saved on your Desktop"
Close #FileNum
End Sub
Нужна помощь, как я могу добавить факс и адрес в VCF из моего файла Excel.
Я новичок, поэтому не могу решить эту проблему.