Не удалось создать канал в Hyperledger Fabric (разрешение отклонено) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 января 2019

Я вручную сконфигурировал среду Hyperledger Fabric, используя двоичные файлы (без использования сценариев Docker или примеров фабрики). Я успешно развернул 1 узел-заказчик и 2-х одноранговый узел (один узел на организацию), но не смог создать канал. Я использовал crytogen для криптографического материала и cryptotxgen для создания блока genesis и транзакции канала.

Журналы Заказчика:

2019-01-06 19:01:05.601 UTC [cauthdsl] func1 -> DEBU 176 0xc0001b8ea0 gate 1546801265601901160 evaluation starts
2019-01-06 19:01:05.601 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 177 0xc0001b8ea0 signed by 0 principal evaluation starts (used [false])
2019-01-06 19:01:05.601 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 178 0xc0001b8ea0 processing identity 0 with bytes of ebff60
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 179 0xc0001b8ea0 identity 0 does not satisfy principal: the identity is a member of a different MSP (expected OrdererMSP, got TheChainMSP)
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 17a 0xc0001b8ea0 principal evaluation fails
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 17b 0xc0001b8ea0 signed by 1 principal evaluation starts (used [false])
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 17c 0xc0001b8ea0 processing identity 0 with bytes of ebff60
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 17d 0xc0001b8ea0 identity 0 does not satisfy principal: the identity is a member of a different MSP (expected OrdererMSP, got TheChainMSP)
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func2 -> DEBU 17e 0xc0001b8ea0 principal evaluation fails
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [cauthdsl] func1 -> DEBU 17f 0xc0001b8ea0 gate 1546801265601901160 evaluation fails
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 180 Signature set did not satisfy policy /Channel/Orderer/OrdererTheChain/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 181 == Done Evaluating *cauthdsl.policy Policy /Channel/Orderer/OrdererTheChain/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] func1 -> DEBU 182 Evaluation Failed: Only 0 policies were satisfied, but needed 1 of [ OrdererTheChain.Writers ]
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 183 Signature set did not satisfy policy /Channel/Orderer/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 184 == Done Evaluating *policies.implicitMetaPolicy Policy /Channel/Orderer/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] func1 -> DEBU 185 Evaluation Failed: Only 0 policies were satisfied, but needed 1 of [ Consortiums.Writers Orderer.Writers ]
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 186 Signature set did not satisfy policy /Channel/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] Evaluate -> DEBU 187 == Done Evaluating *policies.implicitMetaPolicy Policy /Channel/Writers
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] ProcessMessage -> WARN 188 [channel: privatechannel] Rejecting broadcast of config message from because of error: Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining: permission denied
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [orderer.common.server] func1 -> DEBU 189 Closing Broadcast stream
2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 18a streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-01-06T19:01:05.599Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Broadcast", "grpc.peer_address": "", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.call_duration": "3.042122ms"}
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [common.deliver] Handle -> WARN 18b Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [grpc] warningf -> DEBU 18c transport: http2Server.HandleStreams failed to read frame: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [orderer.common.server] func1 -> DEBU 18d Closing Deliver stream
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [grpc] infof -> DEBU 18f transport: loopyWriter.run returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 18e streaming call completed {"grpc.start_time": "2019-01-06T19:01:05.599Z", "grpc.service": "orderer.AtomicBroadcast", "grpc.method": "Deliver", "grpc.peer_address": "", "error": "rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled", "grpc.code": "Canceled", "grpc.call_duration": "6.48536ms"}
2019-01-06 19:01:05.605 UTC [grpc] infof -> DEBU 190 transport: loopyWriter.run returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"

Создание однорангового канала. Журналы:

2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [msp] setupSigningIdentity -> DEBU 035 Signing identity expires at 2029-01-03 00:49:00 +0000 UTC
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [msp] Validate -> DEBU 036 MSP TheChainMSP validating identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 037 Obtaining default signing identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [grpc] DialContext -> DEBU 038 parsed scheme:""
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [grpc] DialContext -> DEBU 039 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [grpc] watcher -> DEBU 03a ccResolverWrapper: sending new addresses to cc: [{localhost:7050 0  <nil>}]
2019-01-06 19:21:13.795 UTC [grpc] switchBalancer -> DEBU 03b ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
2019-01-06 19:21:13.796 UTC [grpc] HandleSubConnStateChange -> DEBU 03c pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc00032a490, CONNECTING
2019-01-06 19:21:13.798 UTC [grpc] HandleSubConnStateChange -> DEBU 03d pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc00032a490, READY
2019-01-06 19:21:13.798 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 03e Endorser and orderer connections initialized
2019-01-06 19:21:13.799 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 03f Obtaining default signing identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 040 Obtaining default signing identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 041 Sign: plaintext: 0A96060A0B546865436861696E4D5350...53616D706C65436F6E736F727469756D
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 042 Sign: digest: EDB773D3B4483F960DA91D9CE5E21CA9F0512B808C9AE15B56B2CB1CE663B494
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 043 Obtaining default signing identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp] GetDefaultSigningIdentity -> DEBU 044 Obtaining default signing identity
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 045 Sign: plaintext: 0AD2060A1A08021A0608A9AAC9E10522...898F89F93F5DEF87555ED63A455E5CFF
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [msp.identity] Sign -> DEBU 046 Sign: digest: BAA15E471F224FBF378D144154CF6B126823800A73EF3F9122CB30888C69645F
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [grpc] DialContext -> DEBU 047 parsed scheme: ""
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [grpc] DialContext -> DEBU 048 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [grpc] watcher -> DEBU 049 ccResolverWrapper: sending new addresses to cc: [{localhost:7050 0  <nil>}]
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [grpc] switchBalancer -> DEBU 04a ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
2019-01-06 19:21:13.800 UTC [grpc] HandleSubConnStateChange -> DEBU 04b pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc000242cc0, CONNECTING
2019-01-06 19:21:13.801 UTC [grpc] HandleSubConnStateChange -> DEBU 04c pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc000242cc0, READY
Error: got unexpected status: FORBIDDEN -- Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining: permission denied

Я не использую TLS

Мой сервер - Ubuntu 16.04, я использую Hyperledger Fabric v1.4, выпуск 2 (20 декабря). Я попытался создать новый криптографический материал и изменить файл configtx.yaml, но никто не работал, я получаю ту же ошибку.


  - Name: Orderer
    Domain: thechain.tech
      - Hostname: orderer
  - Name: AirMed Foundation
    Domain: airmedfoundation.tech
      Count: 2
      Count: 3
  - Name: The Chain
    Domain: thechain.tech
      Count: 2
      Count: 3



    # Channel capabilities apply to both the orderers and the peers and must be
    # supported by both.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Channel: &ChannelCapabilities
        # V1.3 for Channel is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers and peers running at the v1.3.x
        # level, but which would be incompatible with orderers and peers from
        # prior releases.
        # Prior to enabling V1.3 channel capabilities, ensure that all
        # orderers and peers on a channel are at v1.3.0 or later.
        V1_3: true

    # Orderer capabilities apply only to the orderers, and may be safely
    # used with prior release peers.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
        # V1.1 for Orderer is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers running at the v1.1.x
        # level, but which would be incompatible with orderers from prior releases.
        # Prior to enabling V1.1 orderer capabilities, ensure that all
        # orderers on a channel are at v1.1.0 or later.
        V1_1: true

    # Application capabilities apply only to the peer network, and may be safely
    # used with prior release orderers.
    # Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
        # V1.3 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v1.3.
        V1_3: true
        # V1.2 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v1.2 (note, this need not be set if
        # later version capabilities are set)
        V1_2: false
        # V1.1 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v1.1 (note, this need not be set if
        # later version capabilities are set).
        V1_1: false


    - &OrdererOrg
        Name: OrdererTheChain
        ID: OrdererMSP
        MSPDir: /home/medical/fabric/crypto-material/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/thechain.tech/orderers/orderer.thechain.tech/msp
        AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.admin', 'OrdererMSP.member')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.admin', 'OrdererMSP.member')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('OrdererMSP.admin')"

    - &TheChainOrg
        Name: TheChain
        ID: TheChainMSP
        AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN
            - Host:
            Port: 7051
        MSPDir: /home/medical/fabric/crypto-material/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/thechain.tech/users/Admin@thechain.tech/msp
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('TheChainMSP.admin', 'TheChainMSP.peer', 'TheChainMSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('TheChainMSP.admin', 'TheChainMSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('TheChainMSP.admin')"

    - &AirMedFoundationOrg
        Name: AirMedFoundation
        ID: AirMedFoundationMSP
        AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN
            - Host:
            Port: 17051
        MSPDir: /home/medical/fabric/crypto-material/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/airmedfoundation.tech/users/Admin@airmedfoundation.tech/msp
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('AirMedFoundationMSP.admin', 'AirMedFoundationMSP.peer', 'AirMedFoundationMSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('AirMedFoundationMSP.admin', 'AirMedFoundationMSP.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('AirMedFoundationMSP.admin')"

Orderer: &OrdererDefaults

    # Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start.
    # Available types are "solo" and "kafka".
    OrdererType: solo

        - localhost:7050

    # Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch.
    BatchTimeout: 2s

    # Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block.

        # Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a
        # batch.
        MaxMessageCount: 10

        # Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for
        # the serialized messages in a batch. If the "kafka" OrdererType is
        # selected, set 'message.max.bytes' and 'replica.fetch.max.bytes' on the
        # Kafka brokers to a value that is larger than this one.
        AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB

        # Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed for
        # the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than the
        # preferred max bytes will result in a batch larger than preferred max
        # bytes.
        PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB

    # Max Channels is the maximum number of channels to allow on the ordering
    # network. When set to 0, this implies no maximum number of channels.
    MaxChannels: 0

        # Brokers: A list of Kafka brokers to which the orderer connects. Edit
        # this list to identify the brokers of the ordering service.
        # NOTE: Use IP:port notation.
            - kafka0:9092
            - kafka1:9092
            - kafka2:9092
            - kafka3:9092

    # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
    # the orderer side of the network.

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Orderer policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Orderer/<PolicyName>
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"
        # BlockValidation specifies what signatures must be included in the block
        # from the orderer for the peer to validate it.
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"

    # Capabilities describes the orderer level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *OrdererCapabilities

Channel: &ChannelDefaults
    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Channel policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/<PolicyName>
        # Who may invoke the 'Deliver' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
        # Who may invoke the 'Broadcast' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
        # By default, who may modify elements at this config level
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

    # Capabilities describes the channel level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *ChannelCapabilities

Application: &ApplicationDefaults

    # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
    # the application side of the network

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Application policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Application/<PolicyName>
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

        <<: *ApplicationCapabilities


        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
                - *OrdererOrg
                <<: *OrdererCapabilities
                    - *TheChainOrg
                    - *AirMedFoundationOrg
        Consortium: SampleConsortium
            <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                - *TheChainOrg
                - *AirMedFoundationOrg
                <<: *ApplicationCapabilities

Я нашел этот вопрос с похожей проблемой Не удалось создать одноранговый канал в Hyperledger Fabric , я попробовал его решение и ничего не изменилось. Я думаю, что проблема заключается в проблемах политики, и мои коллеги не подписывают транзакцию с правильными учетными данными, но я не знаю, как это исправить.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 13 июня 2019

Журналы Заказчика: 2019-01-06 19:01:05.602 UTC [policies] func1 -> DEBU 185 Evaluation Failed: Only 0 policies were satisfied, but needed 1 of [ Consortiums.Writers Orderer.Writers]


Ошибка: got unexpected status: FORBIDDEN -- Failed to reach implicit threshold of 1 sub-policies, required 1 remaining: permission denied

Очевидно, что у вас нет прав на создание канала

Почему : Ткань Hyperledger разработана безопасным способом Для каждой операции вам нужны действительные Авторизация и Аутентификация

Как : Пожалуйста, добавьте учетные данные администратора при создании канала

Советы : Если вы используете CLI, добавьте закрытый ключ администратора и сертификат при создании канала.

Справка : Если вам нужна более подробная информация, не стесняйтесь комментировать здесь, я более чем рад помочь

Добро пожаловать на сайт PullRequest, где вы можете задавать вопросы и получать ответы от других членов сообщества.