внешний плагин не нужен, в этом случае вы можете просто удалить параметр строки запроса hmac=XXX
из req.url
и сохранить результат в новой переменной req.http.url_without_hmac
и req.http.hmac
до digest.hmac_md5
см. Пример теста:
varnishtest "Strip query parameter"
server s1 {
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
import std;
sub vcl_recv {
# Strip out HMAC parameter
# get only the query string, ignore uri
set req.http.qs = regsuball(req.url, ".*\?(.*?)$", "?\1");
# strip hmac= from the qs
set req.http.url_without_hmac = regsuball(req.http.qs,"\?hmac=[^&]+$",""); # strips when QS = "?hmac=AAA"
set req.http.url_without_hmac = regsuball(req.http.url_without_hmac,"\?hmac=[^&]+&","?"); # strips when QS = "?hmac=AAA&foo=bar"
set req.http.url_without_hmac = regsuball(req.http.url_without_hmac,"&hmac=[^&]+",""); # strips when QS = "?foo=bar&hmac=AAA" or QS = "?foo=bar&hmac=AAA&bar=baz"
# remove the leading ? from the url_without_hmac
set req.http.url_without_hmac = regsuball(req.http.url_without_hmac,"^\?(.*)$", "\1");
# extract the hmac= value from the req.http.qs
set req.http.hmac = regsuball(req.http.qs, ".*[?&]hmac=([^&]*).*", "\1");
# NOW USE req.http.url_without_hmac for your digest validation and req.http.hmac as the value
sub vcl_deliver {
set resp.http.url_without_hmac = req.http.url_without_hmac;
set resp.http.hmac = req.http.hmac;
} -start
client c1 {
txreq -url "/1?a=1&hmac=2&b=1"
expect resp.http.url_without_hmac == "a=1&b=1"
expect resp.http.hmac == "2"
} -run
client c2 {
txreq -url "/1?hmac=hello&a=1&b=1"
expect resp.http.url_without_hmac == "a=1&b=1"
expect resp.http.hmac == "hello"
} -run