когда я запускаю ipfs-cluster на докере, это не сработало.
Я использовал docker-compose.
выше - это файл docker-compose, который, когда я его выполняю.
docker-compose file
version: '2'
image: ipfs/ipfs-cluster:latest
- 8080:8080
- 4001:4001
- 5001:5001
- ./cluster/peer1/config:/data/ipfs-cluster
peer-1_1 | Changing user to ipfs
peer-1_1 | ipfs-cluster-service version 0.5.0
peer-1_1 | Found IPFS cluster configuration at /data/ipfs-cluster
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.349 INFO service: Initializing. For verbose output run with "-l debug". Please wait... daemon.go:43
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.410 INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster v0.5.0-753322cd listening on:
peer-1_1 | /ip4/
peer-1_1 | /ip4/
peer-1_1 |
peer-1_1 | cluster.go:103
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.414 INFO consensus: existing Raft state found! raft.InitPeerset will be ignored raft.go:203
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.415 INFO restapi: REST API (HTTP): /ip4/ restapi.go:403
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.426 INFO restapi: REST API (libp2p-http): ENABLED. Listening on:
peer-1_1 | /ip4/
peer-1_1 | /ip4/
peer-1_1 |
peer-1_1 | restapi.go:420
peer-1_1 | 20:47:24.427 INFO ipfshttp: IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/ ipfshttp.go:209
peer-1_1 | 20:47:25.728 ERROR raft: NOTICE: Some RAFT log messages repeat and will only be logged once logging.go:105
peer-1_1 | 20:47:25.729 ERROR raft: Failed to make RequestVote RPC to {Voter QmZfjY68zhtEDYhWgiqz2jfFBe2JPn5fTiXFtZC8mZvGS7 QmZfjY68zhtEDYhWgiqz2jfFBe2JPn5fTiXFtZC8mZvGS7}: dial attempt failed: failed to dial <peer.ID ZfjY68> (default failure) logging.go:105
peer-1_1 | 20:47:27.722 ERROR raft: Failed to make RequestVote RPC to {Voter QmZfjY68zhtEDYhWgiqz2jfFBe2JPn5fTiXFtZC8mZvGS7 QmZfjY68zhtEDYhWgiqz2jfFBe2JPn5fTiXFtZC8mZvGS7}: dial backoff logging.go:105
peer-1_1 | 20:47:44.428 ERROR cluster: ***** ipfs-cluster consensus start timed out (tips below) ***** cluster.go:363
peer-1_1 | 20:47:44.428 ERROR cluster:
peer-1_1 | **************************************************
peer-1_1 | This peer was not able to become part of the cluster.
peer-1_1 | This might be due to one or several causes:
peer-1_1 | - Check the logs above this message for errors
peer-1_1 | - Check that there is connectivity to the "peers" multiaddresses
peer-1_1 | - Check that all cluster peers are using the same "secret"
peer-1_1 | - Check that this peer is reachable on its "listen_multiaddress" by all peers
peer-1_1 | - Check that the current cluster is healthy (has a leader). Otherwise make
peer-1_1 | sure to start enough peers so that a leader election can happen.
peer-1_1 | - Check that the peer(s) you are trying to connect to is running the
peer-1_1 | same version of IPFS-cluster.
peer-1_1 | **************************************************
peer-1_1 | cluster.go:364
peer-1_1 | 20:47:44.428 INFO cluster: shutting down Cluster cluster.go:431
peer-1_1 | 20:47:44.428 INFO consensus: stopping Consensus component consensus.go:176
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 WARNI consensus: timed out waiting for state updates before shutdown. Snapshotting may fail raft.go:414
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 ERROR raft: Failed to take snapshot: nothing new to snapshot logging.go:105
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 INFO monitor: stopping Monitor pubsubmon.go:154
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 INFO restapi: stopping Cluster API restapi.go:438
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 INFO ipfshttp: stopping IPFS Proxy ipfshttp.go:536
peer-1_1 | 20:47:49.502 INFO pintracker: stopping MapPinTracker maptracker.go:119
ipfspeerconfig_ peer-1_1 завершен с кодом 0
Когда я вижу логи, происходит ошибка с плотом. в чем проблема?