У меня есть определенная функция, которая содержит 4 радиокнопки, которые содержат ответы на случайно задаваемые вопросы, и у меня есть другая функция, которая проверяет, содержит ли выбранная радиокнопка правильный ответ, и если да, то добавьте 1 переменную «оценка», однако, переменная Score не увеличивается должным образом и, кажется, обновляется случайным образом:
def answers():
global text, rb1, rb2, rb3, rb4, v
v = int()
rb1 = Radiobutton(root, text="One", variable=v, value=1, bg = "white", font = ("Segoe UI", 11))
rb1.place(x=20, y=80)
rb2 = Radiobutton(root, text="Two", variable=v, value=2, bg = "white", font = ("Segoe UI", 11))
rb2.place(x=20, y=120)
rb3 = Radiobutton(root, text="Three", variable=v, value=3, bg = "white", font = ("Segoe UI", 11))
rb3.place(x=20, y=160)
rb4 = Radiobutton(root, text="Four", variable=v, value=4, bg = "white", font = ("Segoe UI", 11))
rb4.place(x=20, y=200)
def next():
if question_variable == "Describe what the instruction 'BRP' does.":
rb1['text'] = "If the contents of the accumulator are zero or positive, set the program counter to address xx."
rb2['text'] = "If the contents of the accumulator are zero only, set the program counter to address xx."
rb3['text'] = "If the contents of the accumulator are positive only, set the program counter to address xx."
rb4['text'] = "If the accumulator is empty, set the program counter to address xx."
if val == 1:
score += 1
elif question_variable == "Describe what is meant by the term 'Open Source Software'.":
rb1['text'] = "Open source software is software that is paid-for only."
rb2['text'] = "Open source software is software that is free."
rb3['text'] = "Open source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance."
rb4['text'] = "Open source software is copyrighted software."
if val == 3:
score += 1
elif question_variable == "What is meant by the term 'Lossy Compression'?":
rb1['text'] = "Lossy compression is a compression method that removes metadata from the file, resulting in smaller file sizes."
rb2['text'] = "Lossy compression is a compression method that works by removing redundant and unrequired data."
rb3['text'] = "Lossy compression is a compression method which reduces the file size without any noticeable quality loss."
rb4['text'] = "Lossy compression is a risky compression method which could result in data corruption if used incorrectly."
if val == 2:
score += 1
elif question_variable == "What is the number '55' as an 8-bit unsigned binary integer?":
rb1['text'] = "00110111"
rb2['text'] = "11101100"
rb3['text'] = "11001011"
rb4['text'] = "00110100"
if val == 1:
score += 1
elif question_variable == "What might a printer use RAM for?":
rb1['text'] = "To store its OS."
rb2['text'] = "To store most frequently printed pages."
rb3['text'] = "To hold the current and subsequent jobs."
rb4['text'] = "To take RAM load off the main computer."
if val == 3:
score += 1
elif question_variable == "Describe the term 'firewall'.":
rb1['text'] = "A firewall prevents harmful software from accessing a computer."
rb2['text'] = "A firewall redirects data packets via other nodes before reach its designated computer."
rb3['text'] = "A firewall limits the speed that the packets are able to travel at."
rb4['text'] = "A firewall enforces a set of rules about what data packets will be allowed to enter or leave a network."
if val == 4:
score += 1
rb1['text'] = "Memory Address Register"
rb2['text'] = "Arithmetic Logic Unit"
rb3['text'] = "Memory Data Register"
rb4['text'] = "Accumulator"
if val == 4:
score += 1
Может кто-нибудь определить, где я иду не так?