Как я обещаю в комментариях, я хочу опубликовать другое решение этой проблемы.
Во-первых, есть метод MouseLeave для дескриптора события. Этот метод является общим для ContextMenuStrip (CMS) и ToolStripDropDownMenu (TSDDM).
private void ContextMenuStrip_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
ContextMenuStrip cms = (sender is ContextMenuStrip) ? sender as ContextMenuStrip : null;
//Recognize CMS or TSDDM, in this case we dont need anything else
if (cms != null)
//Check, if mouse position is on any of CMS DropDownMenus.
//If false, close CMS. If true, we dont want to close it - CMS is actively in use
if (!IsMouseOnDropDown(cms.Items)) { cms.Close(); }
ToolStripDropDownMenu ddm = (sender is ToolStripDropDownMenu) ? sender as ToolStripDropDownMenu : null;
if (ddm != null)
//As above, check mouse position against items DropDownMenus
if (IsMouseOnDropDown(ddm.Items)) { return; }
//Declare our CMS
cms = GetPrimaryOwner(ddm);
//Get TSDDM owner
//var is important here, because we dont know if it is CMS or another TSDDM!!!
//Also TSDDM and CMS have the same properties for our purpose, so var is OK
var owner = ddm.OwnerItem.Owner;
Point pnt = Cursor.Position;
//If owner doesn't contains mouse position, close whole CMS
if (!owner.Bounds.Contains(pnt))
//If does, we need to check if mouse position is exactly on parent item,
//because its prevent to TSDDM unnecessary close/open
//(explanation: Mouse leave TSDDM -> TSDDM close;
//Mouse is on parent item -> TSDDM open)
for (int i = 0; i < owner.Items.Count; i++)
//Define own rectangle, because item has its own bounds against the owner
//so we need to add up their X and Y to get the real one
int x = owner.Bounds.X + (owner.Items[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).Bounds.X;
int y = owner.Bounds.Y + (owner.Items[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).Bounds.Y;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), (pupik.Items[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).Bounds.Size);
//If its our DropDownMenu and mouse position is in there,
//we dont want to close ddm
if ((owner.Items[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDown == ddm
&& rect.Contains(pnt))
Выше вы можете увидеть методы IsMouseOnDropDown и GetPrimaryOwner, поэтому есть код:
private static bool IsMouseOnDropDown(ToolStripItemCollection itemCollection)
Point pnt = Cursor.Position;
//All what we do is check, if some of DropDownMenus from input collection is active (Visible)
//and if mouse position is in it
for (int i = 0; i < itemCollection.Count; i++)
if ((itemCollection[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDown.Visible
&& (itemCollection[i] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDown.Bounds.Contains(pnt))
return true;
return false;
private static ContextMenuStrip GetPrimaryOwner(ToolStripDropDownMenu dropDownMenu)
//All what we do is take owner by owner until we find our CMS,
//which is the last one -> primary owner
object cmsItems = dropDownMenu;
while (!(cmsItems is ContextMenuStrip))
cmsItems = (cmsItems as ToolStripDropDownMenu).OwnerItem.Owner;
return cmsItems as ContextMenuStrip;
Последнее, что нам нужно сделать, - это обработать событие mouseLeave для каждого DropDownMenu и ContextmenuStrip
this.ContextMenuStrip1.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(ContextMenuStrip_MouseLeave);
this.StripMenuItem1.DropDown.MouseLeave += new System.EventHandler(ContextMenuStrip_MouseLeave);
В этом примере у меня все работает нормально, поэтому, если вы обнаружите ошибку, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать.
Это всего лишь пример, поэтому я не пишу здесь Try / Catch ..