ОБНОВЛЕНО 28 июля 2018 года для нескольких улучшений, которые я нашел.
В результате многих исследований и серии проб и ошибок я обнаружил, что мне нужно было сделать, чтобы достичь своей цели.
В конце концов, решение в конечном итоге выглядело почти так же, как то, что в конечном итоге было сделано для ответа на этот вопрос:
Расширение расширения setuptools для использования CMake в setup.py?
1) Расширить класс setuptools.Extension
собственным классом, который не содержит записей для свойств sources
или libs
2) Расширить класс setuptools.commands.build_ext.build_ext
собственным классом, который имеет собственный метод, который выполняет мои необходимые шаги сборки (git, svn, cmake, cmake --build)
3) Расширьте класс distutils.command.install_data.install_data
( yuck , distutils ... однако, похоже, нет эквивалента setuputils) с моим собственным классом, чтобы пометить встроенные двоичные библиотеки во время Создание записи в setuptools (instal-files.txt), такой что
- Библиотеки будут записаны и будут удалены с
pip uninstall bpy
- Команда
py setup.py bdist_wheel
также будет работать нативно и может использоваться для предоставления предварительно скомпилированных версий вашего исходного кода
4) Расширьте класс setuptools.command.install_lib.install_lib
собственным классом, который обеспечит перемещение собранных библиотек из их результирующей папки сборки в папку, в которую их ожидает setuptools (в Windows будут помещены файлы DLL. в папке bin / Release, а не там, где это ожидает setuptools)
5) Расширьте класс setuptools.command.install_scripts.install_scripts
собственным классом, чтобы файлы сценариев копировались в правильный каталог (Blender ожидает, что каталог 2.79 или любой другой каталог находится в расположении сценариев)
6) После выполнения шагов сборки скопируйте эти файлы в известный каталог, который setuptools скопирует в каталог site-packages
моей среды. На этом этапе оставшиеся классы setuptools и distutils могут записать запись instal-files.txt и будут полностью удалены!
Вы можете проверить актуальное хранилище здесь: https://github.com/TylerGubala/blenderpy
Вот снимок того, чем я закончил:
Build blender into a python module
from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
import os
import pathlib
from setuptools import find_packages, setup, Extension
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
from setuptools.command.install_lib import install_lib
from setuptools.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
import shutil
import struct
import sys
from typing import List
PYTHON_EXE_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL = 'git://git.blender.org/blender.git'
BLENDERPY_DIR = os.path.join(pathlib.Path.home(), ".blenderpy")
BITS = struct.calcsize("P") * 8
LINUX_BLENDER_ADDTL_DEPENDENCIES = ['libfreetype6-dev', 'libglew-dev',
'libglu1-mesa-dev', 'libjpeg-dev',
'libpng12-dev', 'libsndfile1-dev',
'libx11-dev', 'libxi-dev',
# How to find current Python version best
# guess and install the right one?
# TODO: Update the above for a more
# maintainable way of getting correct
# Python version
'libalut-dev', 'libavcodec-dev',
'libavdevice-dev', 'libavformat-dev',
'libavutil-dev', 'libfftw3-dev',
'libjack-dev', 'libmp3lame-dev',
'libopenal-dev', 'libopenexr-dev',
'libopenjpeg-dev', 'libsdl1.2-dev',
'libswscale-dev', 'libtheora-dev',
'libtiff5-dev', 'libvorbis-dev',
'libx264-dev', 'libspnav-dev']
class CMakeExtension(Extension):
An extension to run the cmake build
def __init__(self, name, sources=[]):
super().__init__(name = name, sources = sources)
class InstallCMakeLibsData(install_data):
Just a wrapper to get the install data into the egg-info
def run(self):
Outfiles are the libraries that were built using cmake
# There seems to be no other way to do this; I tried listing the
# libraries during the execution of the InstallCMakeLibs.run() but
# setuptools never tracked them, seems like setuptools wants to
# track the libraries through package data more than anything...
# help would be appriciated
self.outfiles = self.distribution.data_files
class InstallCMakeLibs(install_lib):
Get the libraries from the parent distribution, use those as the outfiles
Skip building anything; everything is already built, forward libraries to
the installation step
def run(self):
Copy libraries from the bin directory and place them as appropriate
self.announce("Moving library files", level=3)
# We have already built the libraries in the previous build_ext step
self.skip_build = True
bin_dir = self.distribution.bin_dir
libs = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _lib) for _lib in
os.listdir(bin_dir) if
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bin_dir, _lib)) and
os.path.splitext(_lib)[1] in [".dll", ".so"]
and not (_lib.startswith("python") or _lib.startswith("bpy"))]
for lib in libs:
shutil.move(lib, os.path.join(self.build_dir,
# Mark the libs for installation, adding them to
# distribution.data_files seems to ensure that setuptools' record
# writer appends them to installed-files.txt in the package's egg-info
# Also tried adding the libraries to the distribution.libraries list,
# but that never seemed to add them to the installed-files.txt in the
# egg-info, and the online recommendation seems to be adding libraries
# into eager_resources in the call to setup(), which I think puts them
# in data_files anyways.
# What is the best way?
self.distribution.data_files = [os.path.join(self.install_dir,
for lib in libs]
# Must be forced to run after adding the libs to data_files
class InstallBlenderScripts(install_scripts):
Install the scripts available from the "version folder" in the build dir
def run(self):
Copy the required directory to the build directory and super().run()
self.announce("Moving scripts files", level=3)
self.skip_build = True
bin_dir = self.distribution.bin_dir
scripts_dirs = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _dir) for _dir in
os.listdir(bin_dir) if
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bin_dir, _dir))]
for scripts_dir in scripts_dirs:
# Mark the scripts for installation, adding them to
# distribution.scripts seems to ensure that the setuptools' record
# writer appends them to installed-files.txt in the package's egg-info
self.distribution.scripts = scripts_dirs
class BuildCMakeExt(build_ext):
Builds using cmake instead of the python setuptools implicit build
def run(self):
Perform build_cmake before doing the 'normal' stuff
for extension in self.extensions:
if extension.name == "bpy":
def build_cmake(self, extension: Extension):
The steps required to build the extension
# We import the setup_requires modules here because if we import them
# at the top this script will always fail as they won't be present
from git import Repo
self.announce("Preparing the build environment", level=3)
blender_dir = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR, "blender")
build_dir = pathlib.Path(self.build_temp)
extension_path = pathlib.Path(self.get_ext_fullpath(extension.name))
os.makedirs(blender_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(extension_path.parent.absolute(), exist_ok=True)
# Now that the necessary directories are created, ensure that OS
# specific steps are performed; a good example is checking on linux
# that the required build libraries are in place.
if sys.platform == "win32": # Windows only steps
import svn.remote
import winreg
vs_versions = []
for version in [12, 14, 15]:
if not vs_versions:
raise Exception("Windows users must have Visual Studio 2013 "
"or later installed")
svn_lib = (f"win{'dows' if BITS == 32 else '64'}"
f"{'_vc12' if max(vs_versions) == 12 else '_vc14'}")
svn_url = (f"https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/"
svn_dir = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR, "lib", svn_lib)
os.makedirs(svn_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.announce(f"Checking out svn libs from {svn_url}", level=3)
blender_svn_repo = svn.remote.RemoteClient(svn_url)
except Exception as e:
self.warn("Windows users must have the svn executable "
"available from the command line")
self.warn("Please install Tortoise SVN with \"command line "
"client tools\" as described here")
raise e
elif sys.platform == "linux": # Linux only steps
# TODO: Test linux environment, issue #1
import apt
apt_cache = apt.cache.Cache()
# We need to re-open the apt-cache after performing the update to use the
# Updated cache, otherwise we will still be using the old cache see:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17537390/how-to-install-a-package-using-the-python-apt-api
for build_requirement in LINUX_BLENDER_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES:
required_package = apt_cache[build_requirement]
if not required_package.is_installed:
# Committing the changes to the cache could fail due to
# privilages; maybe we could try-catch this exception to
# elevate the privilages
self.announce(f"Build requirement {build_requirement} "
f"installed", level=3)
self.announce("Installing linux additional Blender build "
"dependencies as necessary", level=3)
automated_deps_install_script = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR,
self.warn("Could not automatically install linux additional "
"Blender build dependencies, attempting manual "
for addtl_requirement in LINUX_BLENDER_ADDTL_DEPENDENCIES:
required_package = apt_cache[addtl_requirement]
if not required_package.is_installed:
# Committing the changes to the cache could fail due to privilages
# Maybe we could try-catch this exception to elevate the privilages
self.announce(f"Additional requirement "
f"{addtl_requirement} installed",
self.announce("Blender additional dependencies installed "
"manually", level=3)
self.announce("Blender additional dependencies installed "
"automatically", level=3)
elif sys.platform == "darwin": # MacOS only steps
# TODO: Test MacOS environment, issue #2
# Perform relatively common build steps
self.announce(f"Cloning Blender source from {BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL}",
blender_git_repo = Repo(blender_dir)
Repo.clone_from(BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL, blender_dir)
blender_git_repo = Repo(blender_dir)
self.announce(f"Updating Blender git submodules", level=3)
blender_git_repo.git.submodule('update', '--init', '--recursive')
for submodule in blender_git_repo.submodules:
submodule_repo = submodule.module()
self.announce("Configuring cmake project", level=3)
self.spawn(['cmake', '-H'+blender_dir, '-B'+self.build_temp,
f"{'86' if BITS == 32 else '64'}"])
self.announce("Building binaries", level=3)
self.spawn(["cmake", "--build", self.build_temp, "--target", "INSTALL",
"--config", "Release"])
# Build finished, now copy the files into the copy directory
# The copy directory is the parent directory of the extension (.pyd)
self.announce("Moving Blender python module", level=3)
bin_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'bin', 'Release')
self.distribution.bin_dir = bin_dir
bpy_path = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _bpy) for _bpy in
os.listdir(bin_dir) if
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bin_dir, _bpy)) and
os.path.splitext(_bpy)[0].startswith('bpy') and
os.path.splitext(_bpy)[1] in [".pyd", ".so"]][0]
shutil.move(bpy_path, extension_path)
# After build_ext is run, the following commands will run:
# install_lib
# install_scripts
# These commands are subclassed above to avoid pitfalls that
# setuptools tries to impose when installing these, as it usually
# wants to build those libs and scripts as well or move them to a
# different place. See comments above for additional information
description='Blender as a python module',
long_description=open("./README.md", 'r').read(),
keywords="Blender, 3D, Animation, Renderer, Rendering",
classifiers=["Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
"Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: "
"GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 10",
"Programming Language :: C",
"Programming Language :: C++",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
"Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
"Topic :: Artistic Software",
"Topic :: Education",
"Topic :: Multimedia",
"Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics",
"Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling",
"Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering",
"Topic :: Games/Entertainment"],
author='Tyler Gubala',
setup_requires=["cmake", "GitPython", 'svn;platform_system=="Windows"',
'build_ext': BuildCMakeExt,
'install_data': InstallCMakeLibsData,
'install_lib': InstallCMakeLibs,
'install_scripts': InstallBlenderScripts