У меня есть Winforms TreeListView
с tristate checkboxes
, работающим там, где настройка indeterminate
запрещена для пользователя. Параметр indeterminate
отображается в флажке только в том случае, если пользователь устанавливает дочерние объекты флажка в набор отмеченных и непроверенных.
не используются. Все настройки флажков управляются вручную.
Он использует CheckStatePutter, обработчик события ItemChecked и обработчик события HeaderCheckBoxChanging (если используется флажок заголовка) для ручного управления настройками флажка
Демонстрационный код следует
Код является автономным (за исключением ObjectListView.dll
). Создайте проект Winforms с пустой формой и скопируйте / вставьте два класса ниже
Основная форма
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace NovaSysEng
public partial class ClsFormMain : Form
public ClsFormMain()
ClsTriStateTreeListView objFooTree = new ClsTriStateTreeListView(showHeaderCheckBox: true)
Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0),
Dock = DockStyle.Fill
// The model supports the creation of a tree hierarchy whose depth is not known until run time.
// Each item requires an id and a parentId just like in a DataTreeListView.
// /4472672/id-parentid-spisok-v-ierarhicheskii-spisok
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 1, parentId: 0, name: "A", isChecked: false, foo: "foo A");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 2, parentId: 1, name: "A.1", isChecked: false, foo: "foo A.1");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 3, parentId: 1, name: "A.2", isChecked: false, foo: "foo A.2");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 4, parentId: 1, name: "A.3", isChecked: false, foo: "foo A.3");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 5, parentId: 0, name: "B", isChecked: false, foo: "foo B");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 6, parentId: 5, name: "B.1", isChecked: false, foo: "foo B.1");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 7, parentId: 5, name: "B.2", isChecked: false, foo: "foo B.2");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 8, parentId: 5, name: "B.3", isChecked: false, foo: "foo B.3");
objFooTree.AddItem(id: 9, parentId: 8, name: "B.3.1", isChecked: false, foo: "foo B.3.1");
Класс ClsTriStateTreeListView
using BrightIdeasSoftware;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace NovaSysEng
class ClsTriStateTreeListView : BrightIdeasSoftware.TreeListView
private readonly bool showHeaderCheckBox = false;
private List<ClsItem> itemList;
readonly OLVColumn olvColumnName;
readonly OLVColumn olvColumnFoo;
/// <summary>
/// CTOR
/// </summary>
public ClsTriStateTreeListView() : this(false)
/// <summary>
/// CTOR
/// </summary>
/// <param name="showHeaderCheckBox"></param>
public ClsTriStateTreeListView(bool showHeaderCheckBox) : base()
this.showHeaderCheckBox = showHeaderCheckBox;
CheckBoxes = true;
View = View.Details;
UseAlternatingBackColors = true;
MultiSelect = false;
CheckedAspectName = "";
GridLines = true;
OwnerDraw = true;
ShowGroups = false;
TriStateCheckBoxes = true;
VirtualMode = true;
HierarchicalCheckboxes = false;
ItemChecked += FooTreeListView_ItemChecked;
HeaderCheckBoxChanging += ClsFooTreeListView_HeaderCheckBoxChanging;
itemList = new List<ClsItem>();
olvColumnName = new BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn
AspectName = "Name",
Text = "Name",
HeaderCheckBoxUpdatesRowCheckBoxes = false
olvColumnFoo = new BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn
AspectName = "Foo",
Text = "Foo",
// Don't allow the user to put a checkbox in the indeterminate state.
// When clicked, a checkbox cycles through 3 states in the order: checked, indeterminate, unchecked
// So, if the checkbox state is Indeterminate, force it to unchecked.
// An exception is when a checkbox has the Indeterminate setting and the model IgnoreIndeterminate
// property is true. This is for the case when we want to set the checkbox to Indeterminate
// programattically and have it stick.
CheckStatePutter = delegate (Object rowObject, CheckState newValue)
if (newValue == CheckState.Indeterminate && ((ClsItem)rowObject).IgnoreIndeterminate)
return CheckState.Indeterminate;
else if (newValue == CheckState.Indeterminate)
return CheckState.Unchecked;
return newValue;
CanExpandGetter = delegate (Object x)
return ((ClsItem)x).Children.Count > 0;
ChildrenGetter = delegate (Object x)
return ((ClsItem)x).Children;
/// <summary>
/// If the user clicks on the HeaderCheckBox, set all descendants accordingly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void ClsFooTreeListView_HeaderCheckBoxChanging(object sender, HeaderCheckBoxChangingEventArgs e)
ItemChecked -= FooTreeListView_ItemChecked;
foreach (ClsItem topLevelItem in this.Objects)
if (e.NewCheckState == CheckState.Checked)
ItemChecked += FooTreeListView_ItemChecked;
/// <summary>
/// Set the model IgnoreIndeterminate property to true then set the checkbox to Indeterminate
/// using the CheckIndeterminateObject method. CheckStatePutter will be invoked and the
/// Indeterminate setting will be ignored for this particular case. Finally, set the model
/// IgnoreIndeterminate property to false so an Indeterminate checkbox setting will otherwise
/// be change to an Unchecked setting.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rowObject"></param>
public override void CheckIndeterminateObject(object rowObject)
((ClsItem)rowObject).IgnoreIndeterminate = true;
((ClsItem)rowObject).IgnoreIndeterminate = false;
private void UncheckDescendantCheckboxes(ClsItem objTreeItemModel)
foreach (ClsItem child in GetChildren(objTreeItemModel))
private void CheckDescendantCheckboxes(ClsItem objTreeItemModel)
foreach (ClsItem child in GetChildren(objTreeItemModel))
private void FooTreeListView_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("In FooTreeListView_ItemChecked");
ItemChecked -= FooTreeListView_ItemChecked;
ClsItem objTreeItemModel = (ClsItem)((OLVListItem)e.Item).RowObject;
//set descendant checkboxes
if (IsChecked(objTreeItemModel))
ClsItem objTreeItemModelParent = (ClsItem)GetParent(objTreeItemModel);
//Set ancestor checkboxes
while (objTreeItemModelParent != null)
bool allChildrenChecked = true;
bool allChildrenUnchecked = true;
// If all 1st generation children of the parent are checked, set parent to checked
// If all 1st generation children of the parent are unchecked, set parent to unchecked
// Otherwise, set parent to indeterminte
foreach (ClsItem child in GetChildren(objTreeItemModelParent))
if (IsChecked(child))
allChildrenUnchecked = false;
if (!IsChecked(child))
allChildrenChecked = false;
if (IsCheckedIndeterminate(child))
allChildrenUnchecked = false;
allChildrenChecked = false;
if (allChildrenChecked)
else if (allChildrenUnchecked)
objTreeItemModelParent = (ClsItem)GetParent(objTreeItemModelParent);
} // while
if (showHeaderCheckBox)
bool allChecked = true;
bool allUnchecked = true;
foreach (ClsItem topLevelItem in this.Objects)
if (IsChecked(topLevelItem))
allUnchecked = false;
if (!IsChecked(topLevelItem))
allChecked = false;
if (IsCheckedIndeterminate(topLevelItem))
allUnchecked = false;
allChecked = false;
HeaderCheckBoxChanging -= ClsFooTreeListView_HeaderCheckBoxChanging;
if (allChecked)
else if (allUnchecked)
HeaderCheckBoxChanging += ClsFooTreeListView_HeaderCheckBoxChanging;
} // if (showHeaderCheckBox)
ItemChecked += FooTreeListView_ItemChecked;
} // private void FooTreeListView_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
public void AddItem(int id, int parentId, string name, bool? isChecked, string foo)
itemList.Add(new ClsItem(id, parentId, name, isChecked, foo));
/// <summary>
/// After using the AddItem method to add tree items, call this method to load the model into the TreeListView.
/// /4472672/id-parentid-spisok-v-ierarhicheskii-spisok
/// </summary>
public void Load()
itemList.ForEach(item => item.Children = itemList.Where(child => child.ParentId == item.Id).ToList());
List<ClsItem> topItems = itemList.Where(item => item.ParentId == 0).ToList();
((OLVColumn)this.Columns[0]).HeaderCheckBox = this.showHeaderCheckBox;
Roots = topItems;
/// <summary>
/// This model supports the creation of a tree hierarchy whose depth is not known until run time
/// /4472672/id-parentid-spisok-v-ierarhicheskii-spisok
/// </summary>
private class ClsItem
int id;
int parentId;
string name;
bool? isChecked;
string foo;
List<ClsItem> children = new List<ClsItem>();
bool ignoreIndeterminate;
public ClsItem(int id, int parentId, string name, bool? isChecked, string foo)
this.id = id;
this.parentId = parentId;
this.name = name;
this.isChecked = isChecked;
this.foo = foo;
public bool? IsChecked { get => isChecked; set => isChecked = value; }
public string Name { get => name; set => name = value; }
public string Foo { get => foo; set => foo = value; }
public int Id { get => id; set => id = value; }
public int ParentId { get => parentId; set => parentId = value; }
public List<ClsItem> Children { get => children; set => children = value; }
public bool IgnoreIndeterminate { get => ignoreIndeterminate; set => ignoreIndeterminate = value; }