Если вы работаете с коллекцией String, вы можете попробовать Multiset Operators.
create type coll_of_varchar2 is table of varchar2(4000);
-- check if exits
select * from dual where cardinality (coll_of_varchar2('A','B','C') multiset intersect coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H')) > 0;
-- list of maching elments
select * from table(coll_of_varchar2('A','B','C') multiset intersect coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H'));
-- union of elemtns
select * from table(coll_of_varchar2('A','B','C') multiset union distinct coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H'));
select * from table(coll_of_varchar2('A','B','C') multiset union all coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H'));
-- eelemnt from col1 not in col2
select * from table(coll_of_varchar2('A','A','B','C') multiset except all coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H'));
select * from table(coll_of_varchar2('A','A','B','C') multiset except distinct coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H'));
-- check if col1 is subset col2
select * from dual where coll_of_varchar2('B','A') submultiset coll_of_varchar2('A','Z','H','B');