Я создал следующий скрипт для проверки статуса сайта и статуса экземпляра IIS. Когда я вручную запускаю его из PowerShell ISE с Adminstrator, он работает нормально, но когда я запускаю его из планировщика задач, он просто не работает! И это было связано с GET-WEBSITESTATE, так как этот командлет требовался для запуска от PS ISE Administrator.
Мой вопрос, какую команду нужно настроить в планировщике заданий?
В настоящее время я настраиваю расписание задач следующим образом:
Программа / скрипт: Powershell.exe
Добавьте аргументы: powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "D: \ PS \ CheckPMRWebpage \ Code \ Monitor PMR 6-1.ps1
## The URI list to test
$URLListFile = "D:\PS\CheckPavcapWebpage\Code\PavCapurlList.DAT"
$URLList = Get-Content $URLListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Result = @()
Foreach($Uri in $URLList) {
$time = try{
$request = $null
## Request the URI, and measure how long the response took.
$result1 = Measure-Command { $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri }
<# If the request generated an exception (i.e.: 500 server
error or 404 not found), we can pull the status code from the
Exception.Response property #>
$request = $_.Exception.Response
$time = -1
# $lStatusCode = [int] $request.StatusCode
# if ($lStatusCode -eq 401){
# $linfo = "The site is ok."
# }
$result += [PSCustomObject] @{
Time = Get-Date;
Uri = $uri;
StatusCode = [int] $request.StatusCode;
StatusDescription = $request.StatusDescription;
ResponseLength = $request.RawContentLength;
TimeTaken = $time;
#Prepare body in HTML format for URL
if($result -ne $null)
$Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE>PMR Website Availability Report</TITLE><BODY background-color:peachpuff><font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le""><H2> PavCap Website Availability Report </H2></font><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR bgcolor=gray align=center><TD><B>URL</B></TD><TD><B>StatusCode</B></TD><TD><B>StatusDescription</B></TD><TD><B>Additional Info</B></TD><TD><B>ResponseLength</B></TD><TD><B>TimeTaken</B></TD></TR>"
Foreach($Entry in $Result)
if($Entry.StatusCode -eq "200")
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=lightgreen>"
$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center></TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>"
elseif($Entry.StatusCode -eq "401")
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=yellow>" #<TD></TD><TD align=center></TD><TD align=center></TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.AddInfo)</TD><TD align=center></TD><TD align=center></TD></TR>"
$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center>Website is up but it failed on Authentication!</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>"
#AddInfo = "Site is ok as it failed on Authentication"
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>"
$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center>Website is not up - please check!</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>"
#AddInfo = "red"
#$Outputreport += "<TD>$($Entry.uri)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusCode)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.StatusDescription)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.AddInfo)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.ResponseLength)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry.timetaken)</TD></TR>"
$Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>"
$Outputreport | out-file D:\PS\CheckPavcapWebpage\siteavailabilityrpt.html
#Invoke-Expression D:\PS\CheckWebpage_and_IIS\siteavailabilityrpt.html
# The Instances Name list to check
$InsNameFile = "D:\PS\CheckPavcapWebpage\Code\PavCapInsName.dat"
$InsList = Get-Content $InsNameFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Result1 = @()
Foreach($Ins in $InsList){
$InsNameState = (Get-WebsiteState -Name $Ins).value
$result1 += [PSCustomObject] @{
#Time = Get-Date;
InsName = $ins;
InsStatus = $InsNameState;
#Prepare body in HTML format for Instance
if($result1 -ne $null)
$Outputreport = "<HTML><TITLE>PMR Website Availability Report</TITLE><BODY background-color:peachpuff><font color =""#99000"" face=""Microsoft Tai le""><H2> PavCap Instance Availability Report </H2></font><Table border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR bgcolor=gray align=center><TD><B>Instance Name</B></TD><TD><B>InsStatus</B></TD></TR>"
Foreach($Entry1 in $Result1)
if($Entry1.InsStatus -eq "Started")
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=lightgreen>"
$Outputreport += "<TR bgcolor=red>"
$Outputreport += "<TD align=center>$($Entry1.InsName)</TD><TD align=center>$($Entry1.InsStatus)</TD></TR>"
$Outputreport += "</Table></BODY></HTML>"
$Outputreport +="<footer><p>This is a system generated email, please do not reply to this email, thank you. For time being, the email addresses are controlling from the script until solution found.</p></footer>"
$Outputreport | out-file D:\PS\CheckPavcapWebpage\siteavailabilityrpt.html -Append
$htmlfilename = "D:\PS\CheckPavcapWebpage\siteavailabilityrpt.html"
## Email to users (hardcoding email address on the top of scirpt - declare
$htmlbodyreport = Get-Content "$htmlfilename" -Raw
Send-MailMessage -to $lrecipients -from $lsender -Subject $lemailsubject -BodyAsHtml -body $htmlbodyreport -SmtpServer "abc.bab.cbb.com"