нужна помощь, чтобы определить, почему на выходе всегда Леонард выигрывает все игры - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 29 апреля 2018

# Constants - These constants will help improve the readability of your code
SHELDON = "Sheldon"
LEONARD = "Leonard"

TIE = 2

ROCK = 0

# Variables - Use these variables in your code to track the program's progress
leonardsShape = 0
sheldonsShape = 0 
roundsToPlay = 0

leonardsWinCount = 0
sheldonsWinCount = 0
tieCount = 0

def convertShapeToText(shape):
    choices = {ROCK : "Rock", PAPER : "Paper", SCISSORS : "Scissors", LIZARD : "Lizard", SPOCK : "Spock"}
    return choices.get(shape, "default")

# =======================================================================================================
# DO NOT MODIFY any of the code above this point
# ========================================================================================================

# It's OK to change these constants (use the shape names above - ROCK, SCISSORS, PAPER, LIZARD, SPOCK)
# See the Initial Values in the provided examples
print ("Jason Bolling")
print ("project 4: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock")
def determineLeonardsNextShape(roundOutcome) :
    global leonardsShape
    global sheldonsShape
    if leonardsShape == 0 :
      if roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 1 :
        if sheldonsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
        elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
        elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        if leonardsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
        elif leonardsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape ==  0
        elif leonardsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
    elif leonardsShape == 1 :
      if roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 1 :
        if sheldonsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
        elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
        elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == TIE :
        if leonardsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif leonardsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
        elif leonardsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape ==  0
        elif leonardsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
    elif leonardsShape == 2 :
      if roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
      elif roundOutcome == 1 :
        if sheldonsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
        elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
        elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        if leonardsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif leonardsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
        elif leonardsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape ==  0
        elif leonardsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
    elif leonardsShape == 3 :
      if roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
      elif roundOutcome == 1 :
        if sheldonsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
        elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
        elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        if leonardsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif leonardsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
        elif leonardsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape ==  0
        elif leonardsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
    elif leonardsShape == 4 :
      if roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == 1 :
        if sheldonsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3
        elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 0
        elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        if leonardsShape == 0 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 1
        elif leonardsShape == 1 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 2
        elif leonardsShape == 2 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 4
        elif leonardsShape == 3 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape ==  0
        elif leonardsShape == 4 :
          return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3

def determineSheldonsNextShape(roundOutcome):
    global leonardsShape
    global sheldonsShape
    if roundsToPlay == {2, 4} :
      return sheldonsShape == 4
    elif sheldonsShape == 0 :
      if roundOutcome == 1 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 :
      if roundOutcome == 1 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 :
      if roundOutcome == 1 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 :
      if roundOutcome == 1 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 :
      if roundOutcome == 1 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 0
      elif roundOutcome == 0 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 1
      elif roundOutcome == 2 :
        return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3

def determineWinner():
    global leonardsShape
    global sheldonsShape
    if sheldonsShape == 0 and leonardsShape == 0 :
      return determineWinner == TIE
    elif sheldonsShape == 0 and leonardsShape == 1 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 0 and leonardsShape == 2 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 0 and leonardsShape == 3 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 0 and leonardsShape == 4 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 and leonardsShape == 0 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 and leonardsShape == 1 :
      return determineWinner == TIE
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 and leonardsShape == 2 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 and leonardsShape == 3 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS 
    elif sheldonsShape == 1 and leonardsShape == 4 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS 
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 and leonardsShape == 0 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 and leonardsShape == 1 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 and leonardsShape == 2 :
      return determineWinner == TIE
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 and leonardsShape == 3 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 2 and leonardsShape == 4 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 and leonardsShape == 0 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 and leonardsShape == 1 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 and leonardsShape == 2 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 and leonardsShape == 3 :
      return determineWinner == TIE
    elif sheldonsShape == 3 and leonardsShape == 4 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 and leonardsShape == 0 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 and leonardsShape == 1 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 and leonardsShape == 2 :
      return determineWinner == SHELDON_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 and leonardsShape == 3 :
      return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS
    elif sheldonsShape == 4 and leonardsShape == 4 :
      return determineWinner == TIE

def getBetterShape(shape):
  if shape == 0 :
    return getBetterShape == 1
  elif shape == 1 :
    return getBetterShape == 2
  elif shape == 2 :
    return getBetterShape == 4
  elif shape == 3 :
    return getBetterShape == 0
  elif shape == 4 :
    return getBetterShape == 3
 # =======================================================================================================
# DO NOT MODIFY any of the code below this point
# =======================================================================================================       
def displayResults():
    print("{0}'s initial move: {1}\n{2}'s initial move: {3}\n\n".format(SHELDON, convertShapeToText(SHELDONS_FIRST_SHAPE), LEONARD, convertShapeToText(LEONARDS_FIRST_SHAPE)))
    if sheldonsWinCount > leonardsWinCount:
        print("{0} wins! ".format(SHELDON))
    elif leonardsWinCount > sheldonsWinCount:
        print("{0} wins! ".format(LEONARD))
        print("Tie Game!")
    if not sheldonsWinCount == leonardsWinCount:
        print("{0} won {1} game(s), {2} won {3} game(s), and they tied {4} game(s)\n".format(SHELDON, sheldonsWinCount, LEONARD, leonardsWinCount, tieCount))
        print("{0} and {1} each won {2} game(s) and tied {3} game(s)\n".format(SHELDON, LEONARD, sheldonsWinCount, tieCount))

def playGame():
    global leonardsShape, sheldonsShape

    for x in range(0, roundsToPlay):
        outcome = determineWinner()
        leonardsShape = determineLeonardsNextShape(outcome)
        sheldonsShape = determineSheldonsNextShape(outcome)

def updateScores(roundOutcome):
    global leonardsWinCount, sheldonsWinCount, tieCount

    if roundOutcome == SHELDON_WINS:
        sheldonsWinCount = sheldonsWinCount + 1
    elif roundOutcome == LEONARD_WINS:
        leonardsWinCount = leonardsWinCount + 1
        tieCount = tieCount + 1

def main():
    print("Ima Python Programmer\nRock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock\n")


main() # This must be the LAST statement of the program (DO NOT INDENT)

так что выходной результат - Леонард всегда побеждает в каждой игре, и, независимо от изменений, до сих пор этот результат не меняется, и Шелдон никогда не выигрывает ни в одной игре. Мне было интересно, где я ошибся в коде, чтобы это произошло. Я пытался изменить код на «ROCK», «SCISSORS» и т. Д., А также на числовое представление, но код все равно считывает результат, поскольку Леонард всегда выигрывает

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 30 апреля 2018

Ваша проблема с этими частями вашего кода:

def determineLeonardsNextShape(roundOutcome):
  return determineLeonardsNextShape == 3

def determineSheldonsNextShape(roundOutcome):
  return determineSheldonsNextShape == 3

def determineWinner():
  return determineWinner == LEONARD_WINS

Вы возвращаете сравнение между функцией и int?
Я думаю, что вы хотели просто вернуть определенное значение.

Вы можете отследить проблему в playGame и updateScores:

  • determineWinner является функцией, в то время как LEONARD_WINS / SHELDON_WINS / TIE все ints (вы можете проверить, используя type или распечатав объекты напрямую), поэтому все сравнения, которые вы сделали в determineWinner, будут всегда возвращать False
  • updateScores будет всегда вызываться с False
  • roundOutcome будет всегда будет False
  • roundOutcome == LEONARD_WINS будет всегда будет True (False == 0)

Поэтому Леонард всегда побеждает.
Та же логика применима к determineLeonardsNextShape и determineSheldonsNextShape, которая также всегда возвращает False и будет проходить через сравнение == 0.

Заменить ВСЕ те return determine<something> == <value> просто return <value>:

def determineLeonardsNextShape(roundOutcome):
  return 3

def determineSheldonsNextShape(roundOutcome):
  return 3

def determineWinner():

Я думаю, вы получите желаемое поведение после этого:

Jason Bolling
project 4: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
Ima Python Programmer

Sheldon's initial move: Spock
Leonard's initial move: Scissors

Sheldon wins! 
Sheldon won 2 game(s), Leonard won 1 game(s), and they tied 1 game(s) 