У меня есть функция, которая рисует линию внутри div (адаптировано из этого решения ), используемая в модуле электронного обучения (объясняет странные части кода).
Моя проблема в том, что он не работает в IE11.
Вот код:
var player = GetPlayer();
var progress = player.GetVar("score");
var h = 600; //the height of your slide, as set in Story Size
var w = 1000; //the width of your slide, as set in Story Size
var t = 4; //the desired thickness of the progress bar in px, as based on the size of the styry slide
var c = "#00cc3399"; //the desired color of the progress bar, in hex. The last 2 digits are opacity. See codes below:
var startY = 40; //the desired start coordinate, from the top of the page
var startX = 0; //the desired start coordinate, from the left side of the page. Set to "0" as standard
var aspectRatio = h/w;
var totalW = $('.slide-container').width(); //get the actual width of the slide. only relevant if storyline is set to "Scale to fill browser window"
var totalH = totalW*aspectRatio; //calculate the actual height of the slide. only relevant if storyline is set to "Scale to fill browser window"
console.log("totalW: " + totalW);
var wFactor = totalW/w; //used to calculate the x-position on the slide. only relevant if storyline is set to "Scale to fill browser window"
var hFactor = totalH/h //used to calculate the y-position on the slide. only relevant if storyline is set to "Scale to fill browser window"
var endPointX = totalW*progress/100; //calculate the length of the progress bar
var endPointY = startY*hFactor; //calculate y-position, based on where you want it to be on the slide. The number is the position on the slide, as seen from the top. This is based on a horizontal progress bar
console.log("endPointX: " + endPointX + ", endPointY: " + endPointY)
x1 = startX, y1 = startY, //Start of the bar
x2 = endPointX, y2 = endPointY; //end of the bar
drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2);
//all the technical stuff:
function drawline(ax, ay, bx, by) {
console.log('ax: ' + ax);
console.log('ay: ' + ay);
console.log('bx: ' + bx);
console.log('by: ' + by);
if (ax > bx) {
bx = ax + bx;
ax = bx - ax;
bx = bx - ax;
by = ay + by;
ay = by - ay;
by = by - ay;
console.log('by: ' + by);
var angle = Math.atan((ay - by) / (bx - ax));
angle = (angle * 180 / Math.PI);
angle = -angle;
var length = Math.sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by));
console.log('length: ' + length);
var style = ""
style += "left:" + (ax) + "px;"
style += "top:" + (ay) + "px;"
style += "width:" + length + "px;"
style += "height:"+t*hFactor+"px;" //set the thickness of the progress bar
style += "background-color:"+c+";"
style += "position:absolute;"
style += "transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);"
style += "-ms-transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);"
style += "transform-origin:0% 0%;"
style += "-moz-transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);"
style += "-moz-transform-origin:0% 0%;"
style += "-webkit-transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);"
style += "-webkit-transform-origin:0% 0%;"
style += "-o-transform:rotate(" + angle + "deg);"
style += "-o-transform-origin:0% 0%;"
style += "z-index:99;"
$("<div id='progressBar' style='" + style + "'></div>").appendTo('.slide-container');
В chrome эта функция рисует линию на основе оценки пользователя. В IE ничего не происходит.