Вот слегка проверенная простая процедура
def eliminate(eqs, z):
"""return eqs with parameter z eliminated from each equation; the first
element in the returned list will be the definition of z that was used
to eliminate z from the other equations.
>>> eqs = [Eq(2*x + 3*y + 4*z, 1),
... Eq(9*x + 8*y + 7*z, 2)]
>>> eliminate(eqs, z)
[Eq(z, -x/2 - 3*y/4 + 1/4), Eq(11*x/2 + 11*y/4 + 7/4, 2)]
>>> Eq(y,solve(_[1], y)[0])
Eq(y, -2*x + 1/11)
from sympy.solvers.solveset import linsolve
Z = Dummy()
rv = []
for i, e in enumerate(eqs):
if z not in e.free_symbols:
e = e.subs(z, Z)
if z in e.free_symbols:
s = linsolve([e], Z)
if s:
zi = list(s)[0][0]
rv.append(Eq(z, zi))
rv.extend([eqs[j].subs(z, zi)
for j in range(len(eqs)) if j != i])
return rv
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('only a linear parameter can be eliminated')
Существует более сложная процедура в этой проблеме .