В Windows 10 я не могу подключиться к серверу MongoDB со следующими ошибками:
>mongo "mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test" --username xxx --verbose
2018-11-01T11:34:19.273+0700 D - [main] User Assertion: DNSHostNotFound: Failed to look up service "":This operation returned because the timeout period expired. C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/util/dns_query_windows-impl.h 254
MongoDB shell version v4.0.3
2018-11-01T11:34:30.535+0700 D - [main] User Assertion: DNSHostNotFound: Failed to look up service "":This operation returned because the timeout period expired. C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/util/dns_query_windows-impl.h 254
Enter password:
connecting to: mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test
2018-11-01T11:35:16.589+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: DNSHostNotFound: Failed to look up service "":This operation returned because the timeout period expired. C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/util/dns_query_windows-impl.h 254
2018-11-01T11:35:16.590+0700 D NETWORK [js] creating new connection to:xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017
2018-11-01T11:35:17.356+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: SSLHandshakeFailed: QueryContextAttributes for connection info failed with-2146893055 C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/transport/session_asio.h 240
2018-11-01T11:35:17.357+0700 D NETWORK [js] creating new connection to:xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017
2018-11-01T11:35:18.197+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: SSLHandshakeFailed: QueryContextAttributes for connection info failed with-2146893055 C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/transport/session_asio.h 240
2018-11-01T11:35:18.198+0700 D NETWORK [js] creating new connection to:xx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017
2018-11-01T11:35:19.017+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: SSLHandshakeFailed: QueryContextAttributes for connection info failed with-2146893055 C:\data\mci\6411135b04f345f6d01072b56250cba6\src\src\mongo/transport/session_asio.h 240
2018-11-01T11:35:19.018+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: InternalError: couldn't connect to server lakon-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017, connection attempt failed: SSLHandshakeFailed: QueryContextAttributes for connection info failed with-2146893055 src\mongo\scripting\mozjs\mongo.cpp 756
2018-11-01T11:35:19.021+0700 E QUERY [js] Error: couldn't connect to server lakon-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017, connection attempt failed: SSLHandshakeFailed: QueryContextAttributes for connection info failed with-2146893055 :
2018-11-01T11:35:19.024+0700 D - [js] User Assertion: Location12513: connect failed src\mongo\shell\shell_utils.cpp 343
2018-11-01T11:35:19.024+0700 I QUERY [js] MozJS GC prologue heap stats - total: 4056565 limit: 0
2018-11-01T11:35:19.027+0700 I QUERY [js] MozJS GC epilogue heap stats - total: 421536 limit: 0
2018-11-01T11:35:19.027+0700 I QUERY [js] MozJS GC prologue heap stats - total: 313504 limit: 0
2018-11-01T11:35:19.028+0700 I QUERY [js] MozJS GC epilogue heap stats - total: 131244 limit: 0
2018-11-01T11:35:19.029+0700 D - [main] User Assertion: Location12513: connect failed src\mongo\scripting\mozjs\proxyscope.cpp 300
exception: connect failed
Используя оболочку MongoDB 3.6.2 в Windows 10, я все еще не могу подключиться, но с другой ошибкой (сбивает с толку, не так ли?):
>mongo "mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test" --username xxx --password xxx
MongoDB shell version v3.6.2
connecting to: mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test
MongoDB server version: 3.6.8
2018-11-01T11:01:52.923+0700 E QUERY [thread1] Error: Authentication failed. :
exception: login failed
Однако, с Ubuntu 16.04 я могу нормально подключиться к тому же серверу:
⟫ mongo "mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test" --username xxx --password xxx
MongoDB shell version v4.0.3
connecting to: mongodb+srv://xxx-dsvlb.mongodb.net/test
2018-11-01T04:27:02.536+0000 I NETWORK [js] Starting new replica set monitor for lakon-shard-0/xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017,xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017,xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017
2018-11-01T04:27:02.561+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017 (1 connections now open to xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017 with a 5 second timeout)
2018-11-01T04:27:02.562+0000 I NETWORK [js] Successfully connected to xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017 (1 connections now open to xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017 with a 5 second timeout)
2018-11-01T04:27:02.563+0000 I NETWORK [js] changing hosts to xxx-shard-0/xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017,xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017,lakon-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 from xxx-shard-0/xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017,xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017,xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net.:27017
2018-11-01T04:27:02.570+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 (1 connections now open to xxx-shard-00-00-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 with a 5 second timeout)
2018-11-01T04:27:02.573+0000 I NETWORK [js] Successfully connected to xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 (1 connections now open to xxx-shard-00-02-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 with a 5 second timeout)
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("4a6488c7-7a22-44d4-977e-07eb09ef37f6") }
MongoDB server version: 3.6.8
WARNING: shell and server versions do not match
2018-11-01T04:27:02.588+0000 I NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Successfully connected to xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 (1 connections now open to xxx-shard-00-01-dsvlb.mongodb.net:27017 with a 5 second timeout)
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MongoDB Enterprise xxx-shard-0:PRIMARY>
Служба поддержки MongoDB Atlas сказала мне, что это связано с сетевым подключением с моей стороны, но я уверен, что не корневая проблема, потому что Я могу подключиться к серверу при использовании другой клиент, такой как Robo 3T , использующий тот же компьютер с Windows 10.
Эта проблема возникает ТОЛЬКО при использовании оболочки MongoDB (как 3.6.2, так и 4.0.3) в Windows 10.
Вероятно, это ошибка в MongoDB Shell и реализации Windows 10?