Возможно ли не ** повторить все имена строк / имен столбцов ** в выводе RpivotTable при экспорте в csv / excel? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 ноября 2018

Ребята, когда я загружаю вывод RpivotTable в csv / excel, я автоматически получаю повторение этикеток (имен строк / столбцов), которые печатаются неправильно, повторение этикеток не требуется. Я хочу, чтобы экспортированные данные отображались как есть в RpivotTable. Мне как-то удалось это сделать. Но есть проблема в контентной части downloadhandler . Во-вторых, я не хочу исключать итоги в виде столбца и нижней строки. Я был бы очень признателен, если бы кто-то мог направить меня. Спасибо

Мой код:

# rPivotTable allows you to incorporate some custom javascript functions. 
In this case, we capture the HTML table that it displays anytime a change 
is made to the rPivotTable object
# We 'scrape' the HTML table using the rvest library and convert it into a 
reactive. Specifically we use an eventReactive that triggers anytime the 
rPivotTable object changes
# We use shiny's download handler to download the pivoted table

# consider using tidyverse library call to get dplyr, readr and rvest
# library(tidyverse)
# need rvest to be able to 'scrape' rPivotTable
# library(openxlsx)
# I really like how lightweight and versatile writexl is
# need JS functionality in htmlwidgets

ui = fluidPage(
# for the purposes of this exercise, I'm only including csv and xlsx to 
simplify the download logic
# but you could certainly add more format options
radioButtons(inputId = "format", label = "Enter the format to download", 
           choices = c( "excel"), inline = TRUE, selected = "csv"),
downloadButton(outputId = "download_pivot"),

server = function (input, output) { 

output$pivot <- renderRpivotTable(
rpivotTable(Titanic, rows = c("Class","Sex"), cols = c("Survived"), vals =  
"Freq", aggregatorName = "Count",
            rendererName = "Table", width="50%", height="550px",
            onRefresh = htmlwidgets::JS(
              "function(config) {

# create an eventReactive dataframe that regenerates anytime the pivot 
object changes
# wrapped in a tryCatch to only return table object. errors out when 
charts are shown
pivot_tbl <- eventReactive(input$pivot, {
  input$pivot %>%
    read_html %>%
    html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
}, error = function(e) {
}) })

# allow the user to download once the pivot_tbl object is available
if (is.data.frame(pivot_tbl()) && nrow(pivot_tbl()) > 0) {
} else {

# using shiny's download handler to get the data output
output$download_pivot <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
  if (input$format == "excel") {
content = function(file) {
if (input$format == "excel") {
    #writexl::write_xlsx(pivot_tbl(), path = file)

  writePvt2Xlsx <- function(cols = c("Class","Sex", "Age"),
                            rows = "Survived",
                            URL = "C:/Users/Saad/Documents/titanic.html",
                            outFile) {
    if (missing(outFile)) {
      outFile <- gsub('.html', "", basename(URL), ignore.case=TRUE)
      outFile <- paste0(outFile, ".xlsx")    

    res <- htmltab(doc = URL, headerSep = " >> ",
                   which = 2, rm_nodata_cols = FALSE)

    ## Remove Totals duplicate in last row
    #res[nrow(res), 1:(length(rows)-1)] <- NA

    df <- data.frame(x = names(res))
    if (!is.null(cols)) {
      df <- df %>% separate(x, cols, sep = " >> ", fill = "left")

    ## Create a new workbook
    wb <- createWorkbook()

    ## Add a worksheet
    addWorksheet(wb, "Sheet 1")

    ## Write data
    writeData(wb, "Sheet 1", t(df), colNames = FALSE, rowNames = FALSE)
    writeData(wb, "Sheet 1", res, startRow = ncol(df) + 1, colNames = 
FALSE, rowNames = FALSE)

    # Remove dulicate rows
    if(!is.null(rows) & !is.null(cols)) {
      for (i in ncol(df) + 1:nrow(res)) mergeCells(wb, "Sheet 1", cols = 
length(rows):(length(rows) + 1), rows = i)

    # Merge dulicate row names 
    if (length(rows) > 1) {
      for (rowth in 1:(length(rows) - 1)) {
        rowvar <- rows[rowth] 
        res2 <- unite_(res, rowvar, rows[1:rowth], sep = " >> ")
        tar <- res2[, rowvar]

        for (levelth in levels(as.factor(tar))) {
          mergeCells(wb, "Sheet 1", cols = rowth, rows = ncol(df) + 
which(tar %in% levelth))

    # Merge duplicate column names
    if (length(cols) > 1) {
      for (colth in 1:(length(cols) - 1)) {
        colvar <- cols[colth]
        df2 <- unite_(df, colvar, cols[1:colth], sep = " >> ")
        tar <- df2[, colvar]

        varlevel <- levels(as.factor(tar)) 
[!str_detect(levels(as.factor(tar)), "NA")]
        for (levelth in varlevel) {
          #tar <- df[, colth]
          mergeCells(wb, "Sheet 1", cols = which(tar %in% levelth), rows = 

    ## Save workbook
    saveWorkbook(wb, outFile, overwrite = TRUE)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)