Я пытаюсь изменить порядок оси X на значения в оси Y. Ось X - это имя, ось Y - целое число. Оба являются реактивными, определяемыми пользователем входами. Я создал таблицу данных, которая отображается в правильном порядке, но ggplot не принимает этот порядок. Вместо этого он выполняет алфавитный порядок.
Мой текущий код:
library(readxl) # to load the data into R
lpop <-read.csv("londonpopchange.csv", header=TRUE)
# Define UI for application that plots features of movies
ui <- fluidPage(
# Sidebar layout with a input and output definitions
# Inputs
# Select variable for y-axis
selectInput(inputId = "y",
label = "Y-axis:",
choices = c("Mid Year 2016" = "MYE2016",
"Births" = "Births",
"Deaths" = "Deaths",
"Births minus Deaths" = "BirthsminusDeaths",
"Internal Migration Inflow" = "InternalMigrationInflow",
"Internal Migration Outflow" = "InternalMigrationOutflow",
"Internal Migration Net" = "InternalMigrationNet",
"International Migration Inflow" = "InternationalMigrationInflow",
"International Migration Outflow" = "InternationalMigrationOutflow",
"International Migration Net" = "InternationalMigrationNet"),
selected = "MYE2016"),
# Select variable for x-axis
selectInput(inputId = "x",
label = "X-axis:",
choices = c("Borough" = "Name"),
selected = "Name")
# Output
plotOutput(outputId = "geom_bar"),
# Define server function required to create the scatterplot
server <- function(input, output) {
#this creates the title
output$MainTitle <- renderText({
paste(input$y, "for London Boroughs")
#creates a data table that reacts to the user variable input and arranges
#by the y variable
df <- reactive({
lpop %>%
select(input$x, input$y, "WF") %>%
arrange_(.dots = input$y) #%>%
# setNames(1:2, c("x", "y"))
#outputs the user defined data frame
output$mytable = ({DT::renderDataTable({df()})})
# Create the bar plot object the plotOutput function is expecting
output$geom_bar <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data = df(), aes_string(x = input$x, y = input$y, fill = "WF")) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#000000", "#00D253")) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
# Create a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Это выглядит так: https://jwest.shinyapps.io/ShinyPopulation/
Если я использую функцию переупорядочения в ggplot, она объединяет все «Имена» в один столбец, см. Ниже.
# Create the bar plot object the plotOutput function is expecting
output$geom_bar <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data = df(), aes_string(x = reorder(input$x, input$y), y = input$y, fill = "WF")) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#000000", "#00D253")) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
Как я могу отрендерить его по оси Y? Это как-то связано с scale_x_discrete (limit = ...). Если это так, я запутался в том, как я должен ссылаться на первый столбец реактивного df
CSV можно скачать здесь: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QLT8CX9XFSx3WU_tADyWgyddHYd3-VSp/view?usp=sharing
structure(list(Code = structure(c(7L, 1L, 12L, 13L, 14L), .Label = c("E09000001",
"E09000002", "E09000003", "E09000004", "E09000005", "E09000006",
"E09000007", "E09000008", "E09000009", "E09000010", "E09000011",
"E09000012", "E09000013", "E09000014", "E09000015", "E09000016",
"E09000017", "E09000018", "E09000019", "E09000020", "E09000021",
"E09000022", "E09000023", "E09000024", "E09000025", "E09000026",
"E09000027", "E09000028", "E09000029", "E09000030", "E09000031",
"E09000032", "E09000033"), class = "factor"), Name = structure(c(6L,
7L, 12L, 13L, 14L), .Label = c("Barking and Dagenham", "Barnet",
"Bexley", "Brent", "Bromley", "Camden", "City of London", "Croydon",
"Ealing", "Enfield", "Greenwich", "Hackney", "Hammersmith and Fulham",
"Haringey", "Harrow", "Havering", "Hillingdon", "Hounslow", "Islington",
"Kensington and Chelsea", "Kingston upon Thames", "Lambeth",
"Lewisham", "Merton", "Newham", "Redbridge", "Richmond upon Thames",
"Southwark", "Sutton", "Tower Hamlets", "Waltham Forest", "Wandsworth",
"Westminster"), class = "factor"), Geography = structure(c(1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "London Borough", class = "factor"),
MYE2016 = c(249162L, 7246L, 273239L, 181783L, 272078L), Births = c(2671L,
68L, 4405L, 2446L, 3913L), Deaths = c(1180L, 38L, 1168L,
895L, 1140L), BirthsminusDeaths = c(1491L, 30L, 3237L, 1551L,
2773L), InternalMigrationInflow = c(22189L, 856L, 21271L,
19109L, 22469L), InternalMigrationOutflow = c(25132L, 792L,
23324L, 20488L, 29113L), InternalMigrationNet = c(-2943L,
64L, -2053L, -1379L, -6644L), InternationalMigrationInflow = c(11815L,
756L, 5054L, 5333L, 7480L), InternationalMigrationOutflow = c(6140L,
441L, 3534L, 4336L, 4460L), InternationalMigrationNet = c(5675L,
315L, 1520L, 997L, 3020L), Other = c(-24L, -1L, -14L, 46L,
-3L), Estimated.Population..mid.2017 = c(253361L, 7654L,
275929L, 182998L, 271224L), WF = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L), .Label = c("London Borough", "Waltham Forest"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Code",
"Name", "Geography", "MYE2016", "Births", "Deaths", "BirthsminusDeaths",
"InternalMigrationInflow", "InternalMigrationOutflow", "InternalMigrationNet",
"InternationalMigrationInflow", "InternationalMigrationOutflow",
"InternationalMigrationNet", "Other", "Estimated.Population..mid.2017",
"WF"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")