Sitecore xDB Data Migration Tool - добавьте контактную ошибку - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 30 августа 2018

Я тестирую инструмент переноса данных xDB 2.0.1 (от Sitecore 8.1 u-3 до Sitecore 9 u-2) в топологии XP Single. Миграция успешно завершится, если я установлю поле «Максимальное количество» на шаге конвейера чтения контактов из MongoDB. Но при попытке запустить его для всей коллекции я получаю следующую ошибку:

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 INFO  [Data Exchange] Submitting batch to xConnect. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, operation count: 100)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] Exception while submitting batch to xConnect. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange]    at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Processors.PipelineSteps.BaseSubmitXConnectBatchStepProcessor.SubmitBatch(String batchDescription, IXdbContext client, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Processors.PipelineSteps.BaseSubmitXConnectBatchStepProcessor.SubmitBatch(IXdbContext client, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Processors.PipelineSteps.AddEntityToXConnectBatchStepProcessor.OnOperationsAddedToClient(IEnumerable`1 operations, IXdbContext client, Int32 minBatchSize, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Models.EntityModel.AddFacets(IEntityReference entity, IXdbContext client, IXConnectClientHelper helper, Action`6 onOperationsAddedToClient, Int32 minBatchSize, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Models.ContactModel.AddToClient(IXdbContext client, IXConnectClientHelper helper, Action`6 onOperationsAddedToClient, Int32 minBatchSize, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Processors.PipelineSteps.AddEntityToXConnectBatchStepProcessor.AddEntityToBatch(XConnectClientPlugin plugin, EntityType entityType, EntityModel entityModel, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] One or more errors occurred. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange]    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.XConnect.Processors.PipelineSteps.BaseSubmitXConnectBatchStepProcessor.SubmitBatch(String batchDescription, IXdbContext client, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] START AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 7, HResult: -2146233088)
---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
One or more operations did not succeed (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.XdbContext.<ExecuteBatchAsyncInternal>d__79.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.XdbContext.<SubmitAsync>d__74.MoveNext()
START AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 8, HResult: -2146233088)
---- ---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
Operation #97, AlreadyExists, Contact {8b731842-d710-0600-0000-055b13424422}, EmailAddressHistory (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
---- ---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
Operation #97, AlreadyExists, Contact {8b731842-d710-0600-0000-055b13424422}, EmailAddressHistory (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
END AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 8, HResult: -2146233088)

---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
One or more operations did not succeed (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.XdbContext.<ExecuteBatchAsyncInternal>d__79.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Sitecore.XConnect.XdbContext.<SubmitAsync>d__74.MoveNext()
START AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 9, HResult: -2146233088)
---- ---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
Operation #97, AlreadyExists, Contact {8b731842-d710-0600-0000-055b13424422}, EmailAddressHistory (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
---- ---- An error occurred when trying to add the entity to the xConnect client. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, entity model internal description: )
Operation #97, AlreadyExists, Contact {8b731842-d710-0600-0000-055b13424422}, EmailAddressHistory (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8)
END AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 9, HResult: -2146233088)

END AGGREGATE EXCEPTION (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, ID: 7, HResult: -2146233088)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] Pipeline step processing will abort because a critical error occurred during processing. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 DEBUG [Data Exchange] Pipeline processor finished processing pipeline steps. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, completed pipeline steps: 3)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] Sub pipeline processing will abort because a critical error occurred during processing. (pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Add Contact Model to xConnect Batch, pipeline step identifier: e883b46a-25a9-4d57-b294-de272c0384f8, sub-pipeline: Process Single Contact from MongoDB Pipeline, sub-pipeline processor: Sitecore.DataExchange.Processors.Pipelines.PipelineProcessor)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 INFO  [Data Exchange] 2124 elements were iterated before the processor was interrupted. (pipeline: Read Contacts from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Iterate MongoDB Contacts and Run Pipelines, pipeline step identifier: 3641afc1-3d59-4cde-8263-0ec9b362fa9b)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] Pipeline step processing will abort because a critical error occurred during processing. (pipeline: Read Contacts from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Iterate MongoDB Contacts and Run Pipelines)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 DEBUG [Data Exchange] Pipeline processor finished processing pipeline steps. (pipeline: Read Contacts from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline step: Iterate MongoDB Contacts and Run Pipelines, completed pipeline steps: 2)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 ERROR [Data Exchange] Pipeline processing will abort because a critical error occurred during processing. (pipeline batch: MongoDB Contacts to xConnect Migration, pipeline: Read Contacts from MongoDB Pipeline, pipeline processor: Sitecore.DataExchange.Processors.Pipelines.PipelineProcessor)

ManagedPoolThread #13 22:18:42 DEBUG [Data Exchange] Pipeline batch processor finished processing pipelines. (pipeline batch: MongoDB Contacts to xConnect Migration, completed pipelines: 0)

В нем говорится, что этот контакт (8b731842-d710-0600-0000-055b13424422) «уже существует», но я предполагаю, что при повторном запуске инструмента следует либо объединить, либо пропустить уже существующий контакт. Что может быть причиной этой ошибки?
